scan copied to clipboard
Ubuntu 18.10 on Linode installation
I didn't want a lot of python 2.7 code on my mac so I opened up a linode cloud installation with Ubuntu 18.10 image. I didn't record the exact steps I took to get scan up and running but by quickly going through my linux shell history this is approximately what I did: Step 1: pull down a scan clone from the git repository
Step 2: follow the calls and ignore the vagrant/virtualbox commands this seems to pull in all the necessary items for Flask and the "scan" source code
Step 3: when you run:
python there are a couple of problems that need to be addressed:
flask AttributeError: 'LoginManager' object has no attribute 'token_loader'
vi /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_security/
comment out line 396: lm.token_loader(_token_loader)
vi /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask_security/
you need to change the function call current_user.is_authenticated()
to an attribute usage: current_user.is_authenticated
After making those edits everything comes up on scan on port 5000 when you run python from the scan directory.
PS. I may have had to play with the PYTHONPATH variable to get alembic/ to run when doing: alembic upgrade head