ol-ext copied to clipboard
Animated SVG image displayed in wrong size and position on devices with devicePixelRatio > 1
With example map.featureanimation.html when image is replaced from RegularShape into:
image: new ol.style.Icon({
src:"data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"><circle cx=\"12\" cy=\"12\" r=\"10\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"red\" /></svg>"
then during animation the SVG image is wrong positioned and displayed larger then expected. This is only happening on devices with devicePixelRatio > 1, i.e. MacBooks or HighRes monitors.
I suspect this is introduced with the fix in OpenLayers 7 referenced here: https://github.com/Viglino/ol-ext/issues/636
At the moment I haven't found a workaround for this issue.
The problem is here: https://github.com/Viglino/ol-ext/blob/ffe16b5ea449376fc52f3f5dd524ec3047a619a3/src/util/getVectorContextStyle.js#L16 this line should be extended to:
if (ol_ext_olVersion > 605 && ol.ext.olVersion < 700 && ratio !== 1 && (s.getImage() instanceof ol_style_Icon)) {
since the workaround is not needed anymore with open layers 7 and above.
That looks promising since I have a similar issue (#1011).
I forked the code and wanted to use npm link
to use it. I followed this instruction:
But when I run the gulp
command to create the build I get
ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead
This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension and '/Users/Sissi/Sites/forks/ol-ext/package.json' contains "type": "module". To treat it as a CommonJS script, rename it to use the '.cjs' file extension.
at file:///Users/Sissi/Sites/forks/ol-ext/gulpfile.js:3:12
at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:194:25)
What am I doing wrong?
You have to specify the gulpfile since the project is now a JS module. You can use the build command instead:
npm run build
I've updated the doc.
PS: the build has been done in the repo (so you don't have to do it).
pS2: if you're using the lib as modules (and npm) you'll have to wait for a new release or just copy and replace the content of the ./src
in your ./node_modules/ol-ext
Good pointer to a fix, in my case I had to do:
if (ol_ext_olVersion > 605 && ol_ext_olVersion < 700 && ratio !== 1 && (s.getImage() instanceof ol_style_Icon))
caused a bug
caused a bug
Fixed in the last commit. I'll publish asap.
[email protected] is out.