json_to_form copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin to use convert Json to Form
flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/json_to_form-0.0.4/lib/json_schema.dart:338:7: Error: No named parameter with the name 'autovalidate'. autovalidate: formGeneral['autoValidated'] ?? false, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ../../Downloads/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/form.dart:40:9: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match. const Form({ ^^^^ `[](url)`
Hello, Im tring to change a state to set e form from database something goes wrong, the form dont set.
ur plugin awesome but pls resolve this issue when i visit ur code u haven't given [color in drop down button] ``` DropdownButton( hint: new Text("Select"), value: formGeneral['fields'][count]['value'], onChanged: (String...
hii victor pls help ``` { 'key': 'select1', 'type': 'Select', 'label': 'Select test', ---------------------> this should show default on select 'value': 'product 1', 'items': [ { 'label': "product 1", 'value':...
Currently the data I am getting in this format which is not a valid json `[{ type: Input, title: Hi Group, placeholder: Hi Group flutter, validator: digitsOnly }, { type:...
I am trying to get the data from elasticsearch and I am trying to bind the same to the dynamic dropdown but I am facing issues. The widgets and data...
Hello, How can I add new widgets like slider, attach images, bottom sheets
Is there a possibility to add support for custom implemented fields? We would like to add support for a lookup type of field.
This is a brilliant library! Exactly what I was looking for. I have a suggestion/request. Can you provide a mechanism to specify decorations by Widget type, instead of the field...