flutter_dialogflow copied to clipboard
Flutter package for makes it easy to integrate dialogflow and support dialogflow v2
Dialogflow v1 & v2 for Flutter apps.
:heart: Star :heart: the repo to support the project. Thanks!
A new Flutter package.
Awesome Tutorials
- Flutter and Bots (DialogFlow). By Aseem Wangoo
- Chatbot Inventory Tracking iOS & Android App with Flutter, DialogFlow, and GCP. By Alfian Losari
Thanks for the tutorials!
- Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_dialogflow: ^0.1.0
- You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
- Dialogflow v1 Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_dialogflow/flutter_dialogflow.dart';
- Or Dialogflow v2 Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_dialogflow/dialogflow_v2.dart';
Dialogflow v1
- Dialogflow register and create new Agent
- Copy Api key (Token)
- Code
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(token: "Your Token");
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.sendQuery("Your Query");
- Example
void Response(query) async {
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(token: "10178f9cb6cf12321asdf4aae75c87cd");
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.sendQuery(query);
Dialogflow v2
- Dialogflow](https://dialogflow.com/) register and create new Agent
- Project Setup and Authentication
- First of all, we need to create a Google Cloud Platform Project using Console Google Cloud
- Create or select an existing GCP project.
- From the GCP console, go to APIs and Services and click on credentials.
- Click on Create credentials and choose Service account key.
- Select your service account from the dropdown, choose JSON and click Create. This will download the JSON key to your computer. Save it securely.
- We downloaded a JSON file with all our data.
- In your project create folder assets(folder name recommended optional)
- Move file json in your project in folder created
- open file pubspec.yaml
uses-material-design: true
- assets/your_file_downloaded_google_cloud.json
- Import dialogflow_v2
import 'package:flutter_dialogflow/dialogflow_v2.dart';
- Code
AuthGoogle authGoogle = await AuthGoogle(fileJson: "Asset Your File Json").build();
// Select Language.ENGLISH or Language.SPANISH or others...
Dialogflow dialogflow =Dialogflow(authGoogle: authGoogle,language: Language.ENGLISH);
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.detectIntent("Your Query");
- Example
AuthGoogle authGoogle = await AuthGoogle(fileJson: "assets/your_file_downloaded_google_cloud.json").build();
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(authGoogle: authGoogle,language: Language.ENGLISH);
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.detectIntent("Hi!!!");
- Or Get List Message type Card
Call function response.getListMessage()
response List<dynamic>
new CardDialogflow(response.getListMessage()[0]).title
Convert first item in CardDialogflow for worked easy
CardDialogflow have
- title
- subtitle
- imageUri
- List buttonss
- each button have text and postback
- Or Setup custom authentication (session)
Get a session id from your backend server after authentication.(Eg: OAuth Token)
Pass the session id a named parameter 'sessionId' to AuthGoogle function.
On the dialogflow fulfillment, access it inside `agent.session` (WebhookClient.session)
and apply your session logic
AuthGoogle authGoogle = await AuthGoogle(fileJson: "assets/your_file_downloaded_google_cloud.json", sessionId: "YOUR_CUSTOM_SESSION_ID").build();
Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(authGoogle: authGoogle,language: Language.ENGLISH);
AIResponse response = await dialogflow.detectIntent("Hi!!!");
Dialogflow For Flutter Web
Visit the repository: Flutter Dialogflow Web 🚀