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Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for Daraja(M-Pesa) API for Kotlin and Swift clients

Daraja Multiplatform

⚠️Work in progress - Sandbox Mode⚠️

Kotlin multiplatform wrapper for Mpesa API dubbed Daraja API (Daraja means bridge in Swahili) that supports integration with your Android(Kotlin/Java), iOS(Swift) and JVM applications.

M-PESA is a mobile money transfer service in Kenya that allows users to store and transfer money through their mobile phones.

Table of Content

  • Prerequisite
  • Features
  • Usage
    • Android - Kotlin
      • Setting Up
      • Request Access Token
      • Initiate M-Pesa Express STK Request
      • Query M-Pesa Transaction
      • Customer To Business(C2B)
    • iOS - Swift
      • Setting Up
      • Request Access Token
      • Initiate M-Pesa Express STK Request
      • Query M-Pesa Transaction
      • Customer To Business(C2B)


To get started, you’ll need to create an account on the Daraja API portal to use the Daraja API. How to get started with Daraja API.

After successfully creating an account on the Daraja API portal and creating a new Daraja app, you’ll need to add your consumer key, consumer secret and pass key obtained from the Daraja API portal to your project.


The SDK offers the following functionalities from the Daraja API:

  • [x] Authorization - Gives you a time bound access token to call allowed APIs.
  • [x] M-Pesa Express - Merchant initiated online payments.
  • [x] Customer To Business (C2B)
  • [ ] Business To Customer (B2C) - Transact between an M-Pesa short code to a phone number registered on M-Pesa.
  • [x] Transaction Status - Check the status of a transaction.
  • [ ] Account Balanace - Enquire the balance on an M-Pesa BuyGoods (Till Number)
  • [ ] Reversal - Reverses an M-Pesa transaction.
  • [ ] Tax Remittance - This API enables businesses to remit tax to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
  • [ ] Business Pay Bill - Pay bills directly from your business account to a pay bill number, or a paybill store.
  • [ ] Business Buy Goods - Pay for goods and services directly from your business account to a till number or merchant store number.


Android - Kotlin

Setting Up

  • In your android application project-level gradle file add the following dependency:
  dependencies {
  implementation ("io.github.victorkabata:daraja-multiplatform:0.9.3")
  dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.victorkabata:daraja-multiplatform:0.9.3'
  • Add your consumer secret, consumer key and pass key to your project. You can get them from the Daraja API portal.

You should not add your daraja API environment variables in a production application because it is a vulnerability to expose your environment secrets/variables in your version control system. Ideally, you should add them to your local.properties files as demonstrated in the sample android application.

  • Create an instance of the Daraja object by passing the daraja environment variables. The daraja object provides functions to request for an access token and initiate M-Pesa express STK request.
val daraja: Daraja = Daraja.Builder()
            .isProduction() // Optional. Will default to sandbox_mode = true

Network logging is enabled by default when using Daraja Multiplatform. in sandbox/testing mode. The logs can be accessed from the logcat in Android Studio under the Daraja Multiplatform tag.

Network logs are disabled in production mode.

Request Access Token

  • To request an access token from Daraja API, invoke the authorization function:
val accessTokenResult: DarajaResult<DarajaToken> = daraja.authorization()

        .onSuccess { accessToken ->
            // Successfully fetched daraja access token
        .onFailure { error ->
            // Failure fetching daraja access token

Initiate M-Pesa Express STK Request

  • To initiate M-Pesa Express(Lipa na M-Pesa Online) STK request, invoke the mpesaExpress function:
val darajaPaymentResponse: DarajaResult<DarajaPaymentResponse> = daraja.mpesaExpress(
            businessShortCode = "174379",
            amount = 1,
            phoneNumber = "07xxxxxxxx",
            transactionDesc = "M-Pesa payment",
            callbackUrl = "your_callback_url",
            accountReference = "CompanyName"

        .onSuccess { paymentResponse ->
            // Successfully requested M-Pesa STK request
        }.onFailure { error ->
            // Failed to request M-Pesa STK

Query M-Pesa Transaction

  • To check the status of an M-pesa transaction, invoke the transactionStatus function:
val darajaTransactionResponse: DarajaResult<DarajaTransactionResponse> = daraja.transactionStatus(
            businessShortCode = "174379",
            checkoutRequestID = "ws_CO_20122022180112029708374149"

        .onSuccess { transactionResponse ->
            // Successfully fetched M-pesa transaction status
        }.onFailure { error ->
            // Failure fetching M-pesa transaction status

Customer To Business(C2B)

  • To register the C2B validation and confirmation URL, invoke the c2bRegistration function:
val darajaC2BRegistrationResponse:DarajaResult<C2BResponse> = daraja.c2bRegistration(
            confirmationURL = "https://mydomain.com/confirmation",
            responseType = C2BResponseType.COMPLETED, // C2BResponseType.CANCELLED
            businessShortCode = 600981,
            validationURL = "https://mydomain.com/validation"

darajaC2BRegistrationResponse.onSuccess {
  // Successfully registered  confirmation and validation URL
  // Failure registering confirmation and validation URL

  • To initiate a Customer to Business paybill, invoke the c2b function:
val c2bResponse: DarajaResult<C2BResponse> = daraja.c2b(
            amount = 1,
            billReferenceNumber = "600977",
            transactionType = DarajaTransactionType.CustomerBuyGoodsOnline, // DarajaTransactionType.CustomerPayBillOnline
            phoneNumber = "0708374149",
            businessShortCode = "600977" //Optional when using CustomerBuyGoodsOnline

c2bResponse.onSuccess {
  // Successfully invoked C2B request
  // Failure invoking C2B request

iOS - Swift

Setting Up

  • To add DarajaMultiplatform package to your Xcode Project, open your Xcode project, navigate to the File tab within the macOS bar and click Select Packages then Add Package Dependency. Enter the package name ie. DarajaMultiplatform or the URL package GitHub URL:


  • Create an instance of the Daraja object by passing the daraja environment variables. The daraja object provides functions to request for an access token and initiate M-Pesa express STK request.
var daraja=Daraja(
        consumerKey: "your_consumer_key",
        consumerSecret: "your_customer_secret",
        environment: DarajaEnvironment.sandboxEnvironment

Network logging is enabled by default when using Daraja Multiplatform. in sandbox/testing mode. The logs can be accessed from the logs in XCode IDE

Network logs are strictly disabled in production mode ie. DarajaEnvironment.productionEnvironment

Request Access Token

  • To request an access token from Daraja API, invoke the authorization function:
var accessTokenResult = daraja.authorization()

accessTokenResult.onSuccess(action: { accessToken in
    // Successfully fetched daraja access token
    }).onFailure(action: { error in
     // Failure fetching daraja access token

Initiate M-Pesa Express STK Request

  • To initiate M-Pesa Express(Lipa na M-Pesa Online) STK request, invoke the mpesaExpress function:
var darajaResponse = daraja.mpesaExpress(
  businessShortCode: "174379",
  amount: 1,
  phoneNumber: "07xxxxxxxx",
  transactionType: DarajaTransactionType.customerpaybillonline, transactionDesc: "M-Pesa payment",
  callbackUrl: "https://mydomain.com/path",
  accountReference: "Company name")

  darajaResponse.onSuccess(action: { data in
    // Successfully requested M-Pesa STK request
    .onFailure(action: { error in
    // Failed to request M-Pesa STK

Query M-Pesa Transaction

  • To check the status of an M-pesa transaction, invoke the transactionStatus function:
var darajaTransactionResponse = daraja.transactionStatus(
  businessShortCode: "174379", checkoutRequestID: "ws_CO_20122022180112029708374149")

darajaTransactionResponse.onSuccess(action: { data in
  // Successfully fetched M-pesa transaction status
}).onFailure(action: { error in
  // Failure fetching M-pesa transaction status