mqtt-react-hooks copied to clipboard
ReactJS library for Pub/Sub communication with an MQTT broker using Hooks
This library is focused in help you to connect, publish and subscribe to a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) in ReactJS with the power of React Hooks.
Flow of Data
- WiFi or other mobile sensors publish data to an MQTT broker
- ReactJS subscribes to the MQTT broker and receives the data using MQTT.js
- React's state is updated and the data is passed down to stateless components
Key features
- React Hooks;
- Beautiful syntax;
- Performance focused;
Just add mqtt-react-hooks to your project:
yarn add mqtt-react-hooks
Hooks availables
- useMqttState -> return { connectionStatus, client, message }
- useSubscription(topic: string | string[], options?: {} ) -> return { client, topic, message, connectionStatus }
Currently, mqtt-react-hooks exports one enhancers.
Similarly to react-redux, you'll have to first wrap a root component with a
which will initialize the mqtt instance.
Root component
The only property for the connector is the connection information for mqtt.Client#connect
Example Root component:
import React from 'react';
import { Connector } from 'mqtt-react-hooks';
import Status from './Status';
export default function App() {
return (
<Connector brokerUrl="wss://">
<Status />
Example Connection Status
import React from 'react';
import { useMqttState } from 'mqtt-react-hooks';
export default function Status() {
* Status list
* - Offline
* - Connected
* - Reconnecting
* - Closed
* - Error: printed in console too
const { connectionStatus } = useMqttState();
return <h1>{`Status: ${connectionStatus}`}</h1>;
Example Posting Messages
MQTT Client is passed on useMqttState and can be used to publish messages via mqtt.Client#publish and don't need Subscribe
import React from 'react';
import { useMqttState } from 'mqtt-react-hooks';
export default function Status() {
const { client } = useMqttState();
function handleClick(message) {
return client.publish('esp32/led', message);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => handleClick('false')}>
Disable led
Example Subscribing and Receiving messages
import React from 'react';
import { useSubscription } from 'mqtt-react-hooks';
export default function Status() {
/* Message structure:
* topic: string
* message: string
const { message } = useSubscription([
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<span>{`topic:${message.topic} - message: ${message.message}`}</span>
- If you need to change the format in which messages will be inserted in message useState, you can pass the option of parserMethod in the Connector:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Connector, useSubscription } from 'mqtt-react-hooks';
const Children = () => {
const { message, connectionStatus } = useSubscription('esp32/testing/#');
const [messages, setMessages] = useState < any > [];
useEffect(() => {
if (message) setMessages((msgs: any) => [...msgs, message]);
}, [message]);
return (
<hr />
const App = () => {
return (
parserMethod={msg => msg} // msg is Buffer
<Children />
Thanks for being interested on making this package better. We encourage everyone to help improving this project with some new features, bug fixes and performance issues. Please take a little bit of your time to read our guides, so this process can be faster and easier.