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Roadmap of operators
Arithmetic Expression Operators
- [ ] $abs
- [x] $add
- [ ] $ceil
- [x] $divide
- [ ] $exp
- [ ] $floor
- [ ] $ln
- [ ] $log
- [ ] $log10
- [ ] $mode
- [x] $multiply
- [ ] $pow
- [ ] $round
- [ ] $sqrt
- [x] $subtract
- [ ] $trunc
Array Expression Operators
- [ ] $arrayElemAt
- [x] $arrayToObject
- [ ] $concatArrays
- [x] $filter
- [x] $firstN
- [x] $in
- [ ] $indexOfArray
- [ ] $isArray
- [x] $lastN
- [ ] $map
- [x] $maxN
- [x] $minN
- [ ] $objectToArray
- [ ] $range
- [ ] $reduce
- [ ] $reverseArray
- [x] $size
- [ ] $slice
- [x] $sortArray
- [ ] $zip
Bitwise Operators
- [ ] $bitAnd
- [ ] $bitNot
- [ ] $bitOr
- [ ] $bitXor
Boolean Expression Operators
- [x] $and
- [x] $not
- [x] $or
Comparison Expression Operators
- [x] $cmp
- [x] $eq
- [x] $gt
- [x] $gte
- [x] $lt
- [x] $lte
- [x] $ne
Conditional Expression Operators
- [x] $cond
- [x] $ifNull
- [x] $switch
Custom Aggregation Expression
- [ ] $accumulator
- [ ] $function
Data Size Operators
- [ ] $binarySize
- [ ] $bsonSize
Date Expression Operators
- [ ] $dateAdd
- [ ] $dateDiff
- [ ] $dateFromParts
- [ ] $dateFromString
- [ ] $dateSubtract
- [ ] $dateToParts
- [ ] $dateTrunc
- [ ] $dayOfMonth
- [ ] $dayOfWeek
- [ ] $dayOfYear
- [ ] $hour
- [ ] $isDayOfWeek
- [ ] $isoWeek
- [ ] $isoWeekYear
- [x] $millisecond
- [ ] $minute
- [ ] $month
- [ ] $second
- [ ] $toDate
- [ ] $week
- [ ] $year
Literal Expression Operator
- [ ] $literal
Miscellaneous Operators
- [ ] $getField
- [ ] $rand
- [ ] $sampleRate
- [ ] $toHashedIndexKey
Object Expression Operators
- [x] $mergeObjects
- [x] $objectToArray
- [ ] $setField
Set Expression Operators
- [ ] $allElementsTrue
- [ ] $anyElementTrue
- [ ] $setDifference
- [ ] $setEquals
- [ ] $setIntersection
- [ ] $setIsSubset
- [ ] $setUnion
String Expression Operators
- [x] $concat
- [x] $dateFromString
- [x] $dateToString
- [ ] $indexOfBytes
- [ ] $indexOfCP
- [ ] $ltrim
- [ ] $regexFind
- [ ] $regexFindAll
- [ ] $regexMatch
- [ ] $replaceOne
- [ ] $replaceAll
- [ ] $rtrim
- [ ] $split
- [ ] $strLenbytes
- [ ] $strLenCP
- [ ] $strcasecmp
- [ ] $substr
- [ ] $substrBytes
- [ ] $substrCP
- [ ] $toLower
- [ ] $toString
- [ ] $trim
- [ ] $toUpper
Text Expression Operators
- [ ] $meta
Timestamp Expression Operators
- [ ] $tsIncrement
- [ ] $tsSecond
Trigonometry Expression Operators
- [ ] $sin
- [ ] $cos
- [ ] $tan
- [ ] $asin
- [ ] $acos
- [ ] $atan
- [ ] $atan2
- [ ] $asinh
- [ ] $acosh
- [ ] $atanh
- [ ] $sinh
- [ ] $cosh
- [ ] $tanh
- [ ] $degreesToRadians
- [ ] $radiansToDegrees
Type Expression Operators
- [ ] $convert
- [ ] $isNumber
- [ ] $toBool
- [ ] $toDate
- [ ] $toDecimal
- [ ] $toDouble
- [ ] $toInt
- [ ] $toLong
- [ ] $toObjectId
- [ ] $toString
- [ ] $type
- [ ] $accumulator
- [ ] $addToSet
- [x] $avg
- [ ] $bottom
- [ ] $bottomN
- [x] $count
- [x] $first
- [ ] $firstN
- [x] $last
- [ ] $lastN
- [x] $max
- [ ] $maxN
- [ ] $median
- [ ] $mergeObjects
- [x] $min
- [ ] $percentile
- [x] $push
- [ ] $stdDevPop
- [ ] $stdDevSamp
- [x] $sum
- [ ] $top
- [ ] $topN
Variable Expression Operators
- [ ] $let
Window Operators
- [ ] $addToSet
- [ ] $avg
- [ ] $bottom
- [ ] $bottomN
- [ ] $count
- [ ] $covariancePop
- [ ] $covarianceSamp
- [ ] $denseRank
- [ ] $derivative
- [ ] $documentNumber
- [ ] $expMovingAvg
- [ ] $first
- [ ] $integral
- [ ] $last
- [ ] $linearFill
- [ ] $locf
- [ ] $max
- [ ] $min
- [ ] $minN
- [ ] $push
- [ ] $rank
- [ ] $shift
- [ ] $stdDevPop
- [ ] $stdDevSamp
- [ ] $sum
- [ ] $top
- [ ] $topN