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This is the dataset and code release of the OpenRooms Dataset. For more information, please refer to our webpage below. Thanks a lot for your interest in our research!

Results 10 OpenRooms issues
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Hi OpenRooms team, Thank you for your great work! But when I preview the data, the images are very noisy. Is this due to rendering settings? In your demo video...

Hi, Thanks for the availability of the dataset and the ground truth data. I went through the available elements that you share here in this repository however it is not...

Thanks for your nice job! The download links provided for the shared folder on Google Drive ( have expired. If possible, could you please provide me with a valid download...

When will the dataset be released? Thanks!

Thank you for providing the excellent dataset! I downloaded some of the release data and noticed the image IDs differ from the ScanNet IDs. Is there a mapping between the...

Thanks for the work! Sincerely asking if there are camera’s properties(corresponding to images) in the given dataset.

Hi, I would like to know where I can find the information on the field of view for all camera views in the dataset, I couldn't find it. Thank you!

Hi, I am trying to understand why, after loading images like this: ``` raw_normals = cv2.imread(normals_path)[:, :, ::-1] normals = raw_normals.astype(np.float32) / 127.5 - 1 normals = normals / np.maximum(...