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subjects and project boards for Vets Who Code troops

Vets Who Code Web Curriculum Syllabus

This curriculum is designed to be a resource to learn in a guided practical manner how to learn how to build software the way you would in a tech team at a company.


Massive shout out to the veteran developers that helped build the curriculum

  • Jerome Hardaway
  • Schuster Braun
  • Mike White

Also, we would like to extend a sincere level of gratitude to the members of our board that took the time to review our curriculum to help us help our veterans:

  • Brian Holt
  • Kyle Shevlin
  • Anna Lee
  • Melanie Sumner
  • Caree Youngman
  • Ken Wheeler

Phase One | Onboarding and Fundamentals


Week 1 | Developer Workflow.

  • Command Line
  • Git
  • Github CLI
  • Fig
  • Github
  • Github ReadMe Profile
  • Github Discussions
  • Codespaces
  • Github pages
  • Markdown ​
  • VS Code​

Week 2 | HTML

  • HTML
  • Emmet
  • Layout Sections
  • Forms

Week 3 | CSS3

  • Box model
  • The different ways to add colors
  • Borders
  • Fonts
  • Selectors
  • Root Element
  • Media Queries
  • Pseudo Classes
  • Pseudo Elements
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Transitions
  • Transforms
  • Gradients
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • CSS Paint API
  • CSS Custom Properties
  • CSS Variables
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Preprocessors
  • CSS Frameworks
  • Basic Front End Architecture with SMACSS
  • Troubleshoot HTML/CSS (browser's Elements tab)
  • Troubleshoot CSS (browser's Styles tab)
  • Defer CSS
  • Errors
  • Warnings
  • Performance

Week 4 | Chrome Dev Tools

  • Inspect
  • Console
  • Network
  • Elements
  • Styles
  • Resources
  • Application
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Audits
  • Browser

Week 5 | Accessibility

  • What is Accessibility?
  • ARIA
  • Accessibility Best Practices
  • Accessibility Standards
  • Accessibility Techniques

Week 6 | UX and UX Toolchain

  • What is UX Design
  • UX Design Process
  • UX Design Tools and toolchain​

Phase II | Javascript

Week 7 | JS I

  • Loading JS into a HTML document
  • Variables
  • Conditional
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Functions
  • CRUD​
  • Data Structures and Algorithms I

Week 8 | DOM Manipulation

  • Select elements
  • Add/remove elements
  • Update element attributes
  • Add event listeners​

Week 9 | JS II

  • Scope
  • Closures
  • Hoisting
  • Higher-Order Array Functions (map, filter, reduce)
  • AJAX requests
  • Promises
  • Parse/stringify JSON data
  • Understand some of this binding issues
  • Create object constructor
  • Data Structures and Algorithms II

Week 10 | JS III

  • Understand the purpose of Babel
  • let and const
  • Arrow functions
  • async/await
  • object destructuring​
  • Rest/Spread operators
  • class, constructor, method syntaxes
  • for...of and for...in loops
  • optional chaining
  • Debug
  • Breakpoints
  • JS Testing
  • Nodejs
  • Data Structures and Algorithms III

Phase III | React


Week 11 | React

  • React
  • Debugging React
  • Jest

Week 12 | Next.js

  • Understand the difference between SPA, and SSR vs. SSG
  • create-next-app to generate and develop apps
  • CRUD
  • Navigation
  • Pre-rendering
  • getStaticProps
  • getServerSideProps
  • BONUS Dynamic routes
  • BONUS Static/Dynamic API routes​

Phase IV | Cloud and CI/CD

Week 13 | AWS I

  • Understand the difference between server and client
  • Lambda/API Gateway​

Week 14 | AWS II

  • AWS Amplify
  • Graphql
  • Harper Db

Week 15 | CI/CD With Github Actions

  • Github Actions

Week 16 | Preparing for the future

  • Focus on the Capstone project
  • Ensure you have a thoroughly reviewed resume
  • Ensure you have a portfolio
  • Ensure you have a LinkedIn profile
  • Ensure you have a GitHub profile
  • Continue to have 1:1's with your mentor
  • Continue to have 1:1's with Jerome
  • Follow content plan provided by HR experts
  • Sign up for at least one mock interview session a month (These will be based on the loop Format used at MMANG jobs)