Raymond Piller

Results 26 comments of Raymond Piller

Very observant, but this was definitely a conceptual simplification. - The xWallpaper module will likely be published to PSGallery. - The Wallpaper Configuration is a Composite Resource and will be...

Since Datum is a generic hierarchical data store, should tools like [Get-DscSplattedResource](https://github.com/gaelcolas/Datum/blob/master/Datum/ScriptsToProcess/Get-DscSplattedResource.ps1) be broken out into another project/repo? I've done some design changes to this function for use in a...

Unfortunately, I didn't know about it in time to get a them request submitted.

@brajjan, I see you got it to work with PowerShell Core using DSC. Did it also work for `Install-Module` or `Find-Module`? What about PowerShell Desktop (`5.1`)? I tried BaGet and...

@TylerLeonhardt, you are correct. The meta and downloads are available though. I imagine something could be made relatively easy. ```powershell $module = 'ActiveDiretory' $url = "https://simple-nuget-server.contoso.com/FindPackagesById()?id=%27${module}%27&$skip=0&$top=40 (Invoke-RestMethod $url)[0].properties.DownloadCount.'#text' ``` I...

Pasting the following into powershell breaks, requiring modification before testing a block of code in the console: ```powershell if (10 -gt $ParameterOne) { "Greater" } else { "Lesser" } ```...

Apologies for the confusion. I accidentally pulled those snippets from Windows PowerShell. The issue exists in both PowerShell and Windows PowerShell, albeit in slightly different forms. - In Windows PowerShell,...

Try @urvanov-ru's [announced fork](#470). [It's available in the WP plugin store](https://wordpress.org/plugins/urvanov-syntax-highlighter/).

Try @urvanov-ru's [announced fork](#470). [It's available in the WP plugin store](https://wordpress.org/plugins/urvanov-syntax-highlighter/).

Try @urvanov-ru's [announced fork](#470). [It's available in the WP plugin store](https://wordpress.org/plugins/urvanov-syntax-highlighter/).