wr copied to clipboard
Add a website front-page to readthedocs
There should be a full walkthrough on how to carry out real work. Eg. a translation of the samtools how to.
Include how to link proceses together, eg. samtools -> mpileup or similar.
Perhaps do a https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/ style video course.
May want to use https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html instead of basing off software-carpentry: more attractive, better (semantic) markup, can include the docs folder directly in the wr repo. But http://swcarpentry.github.io/lesson-example/01-design/ is a good guide on coming up with the content of lessons etc.
Actually, seems best to use viewdocs.io combined with previewdocs and a custom layout based on http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/
Walkthrough added to wikki, but want to convert wikki and readme etc. to viewdocs...
Should add a guide for more complex usage, esp. writing wr add
json with dependencies in a complex dependency chain.
Should update walkthrough to download samtools 1.5 and alter commands if necessary.
in progress
Consider https://www.netlify.com ? Free website with custom domain, hooked up to GitHub. Maybe for a front page that then links to viewdocs or something?
Or just use https://pages.github.com which also allows custom domains: https://help.github.com/en/articles/using-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages
Would be nice to show usage on the webpage.
https://github.com/icholy/ttygif does gif of terminal use, for presentation/ help text.
https://github.com/cbbrowne/tpp https://linuxconfig.org/tpp-the-command-line-presentation-tool slide-show style, letting me control the speed of moving through the animation.
The documentation website was added to https://github.com/wtsi-ssg/wr using readthedocs at https://readthedocs.org/projects/workflow-runner/, but docs not yet fully complete, and no nice "front page" implemented, or domain purchased yet.