auto_LiRPA copied to clipboard
Possible Bug?
I got a shape error here. This fix works for acas .
@j29scott Thank you for reporting the issue to us! Could you provide a full example that can reproduce the bug so we can take a look?
I can prepare a short script to make it explicit in a few days.
But this error arose when applying:
from onnx2pytorch import ConvertModel
On the net ACASXU_run2a_1_1_batch_2000.onnx
With perturbation PerturbationLpNorm(x_L=torch.Tensor(lower), x_U=torch.Tensor(upper))
where lower=array([ 0.26897843, 0.11140846, -0.4999999 , 0.22727273, -0. ])
and upper=array([ 0.67985777, 0.4999999 , -0.49840835, 0.5 , 0.5 ])
(property 10 (computed from dnnv's disjunction))
Edit: made few fixes
Thanks! This might be an issue in model conversion. We look forward to more details on reproducing this issue. In the meanwhile, it might be related to version problems of certain packages. You can also try to use the conda environment defined here: