github-sponsor-graph icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
github-sponsor-graph copied to clipboard

A cli tool to generate a graph of your GitHub sponsors!

GitHub Sponsor Graph

A cli tool to generate a graph of your GitHub sponsors!

Recommended Usage: Create a cronjob (or equivalent) that runs this script once an hour, then serve the resulting file with the http server of your choice. Or you could do so with a github action ~ I currently have no interest in turning this into a public API; feel free to fork and do so

Example Graph


First, you need to generate a GitHub API token with the read:user scope

# Clone Repository
git clone
cd github-sponsor-graph

# Install Dependencies
pnpm i  # or use npm/yarn

# Run
GITHUB_TOKEN=YourTokenGoesHere node .

You can customise the graph using several options:

Usage: github-sponsor-graph [options]

Generate a graph of your GitHub sponsors

  -V, --version                          output the version number
  -s, --size <size>                      Size of the images in the graph (default: 64)
  -c, --images-per-row <images-per-row>  How many images should be in a row (default: 20)
  -o, --out-file <out-file>              Where to write the graph to (default: "graph.png")
  -d, --skip-default-avatars             Skip default avatars
  -p --include-private                   Also include private sponsors
  -h, --help                             display help for command


github-sponsor-graph, a tool to generate a graph of your GitHub sponsors
Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later