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Go implementation of an Extensible Storage Engine parser

Results 2 go-ese issues
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Reading a recent NTDS.DIT dump has surfaced several problems in the otherwise brilliant library you've created. Not sure how best to report this, but I'm attaching a lab dump of...

I've tried to run eseparser to dump the SystemIndex_PropertyStore from a few Windows.edb files. Every time, most of the string data come out Chinese or similar as seen here: {"WorkID":40,"27F-System_Search_Rank":707406378,"14F-System_FileAttributes":707406378,"4440-System_ItemFolderPathDisplay":"尕绮諚檵夭ᖬ둮처錶炵岵圌엃굠ౙ鬖拍�ᖭ솃絢献淊잦淼뮦ﲱ缽ﲹ�碼왆얉㋷๷쬏懩࠷麝�㳲","...