yhosts copied to clipboard
接手Vokins的项目无责任更新。AD hosts爱好群,群号:201973909
```ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org``` is used to check the validity of tls certs issued by LetsEncrypt.
Hi there, Thanks for this list. I notice an invalid domain on the list: [i] Target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VeleSila/yhosts/master/hosts [✓] Status: No changes detected [✓] Parsed 6420 exact domains and 0 ABP-style...

https://fanyi.baidu.com/mtpe-individual/#/editor/quickImport 上传 pdf 翻译后,返回图片 缺失 移除好多百度的地址 和部分cdn地址后,显示正常。 不太懂前端命令,不知道是哪部分域名有影响
cdn.bootcdn.net 为极兔云提供的 cdnjs CDN 加速服务,非广告域,屏蔽导致无法引用该资源