Veil copied to clipboard
Setup Script Prompts User for Input with --force and --silent Options Set
Veil version
OS Used - all info (architecture, linux flavor, etc)
Ubuntu 18.04
How did you install Veil? (Apt, Clone from Github, etc.)
Via an automated provision script.
curl | sudo tee /opt/msfinstall;
sudo bash /opt/msfinstall;
msfdb init --use-default;
sudo git clone /opt/veil;
sudo bash /opt/veil/config/ --force --silent;
Did you run the setup script?
Yes, the issue relates to the setup script.
Expected behavior
The setup completes without any prompt. This is not the case.
I ran the setup script using the commands listed about and received the following prompt:
[>] Please enter the directory of msfvenom (e.g. /usr/bin/):
As I am running the script as part of an automatic provisioning process, I am not able to answer the prompt and my provision script hangs. The issue results from this code in the and
sudo -u "${trueuser}" sudo ./
if platform.system() == "Linux":
options["MSFVENOM_PATH"] = "/usr/local/bin/"
I recommend one of the following changes.
Solution 1: allow the use of environment variables in the script:
from os import environ
if platform.system() == "Linux":
options["MSFVENOM_PATH"] = environ.get("MSFVENOM_PATH", "/usr/local/bin/")
Solution 2: Proactively search for "msfvenom" in the path by making subprocess call to "where" or by using "shutil.which".
Solution 3: Add command line args to pass in the msfvenom path>
Of the three, I recommend the first. I would also recommend implementing the changes for other config values like METASPLOIT_PATH. If this is of interest to the project, I can make a PR. In that case, please let me know of any gotchas/pitfalls/expected problems you're aware of.
Hi, you're correct at the moment there really isn't a way to have it fully automated on a non-kali system. Personally, I would prefer if this is added in (which I am fine with) to have it done so via a command line argument vs. an environmental variable. From a scripting perspective, I think that might be the easiest method. I'd be happy to see a pull request with that capability. I would imagine the logic would be if not on kali, check if the cli argument is present, if so use that as the msfvenom path, otherwise prompt.