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Website that keeps monitoring status of WAX account and TLM balance from alienworlds

Alienworlds Account Monitor


This project is a website for monitoring Alienworlds account. The website built based on ReactJS with Next.JS.


This project had backend part in "backend" folder. The backend part work like a middle man to pass through api request to Wax api endpoint.


  1. Clone this project
  2. Install dependencies by npm install
  3. Run server by npm run dev
  4. Run backend server by access backend/
  5. Install dependencies
  6. Run node index.js

Please follow Next.JS documentation for more guide.


On our website

You can access this service by accessing

Host on local machine

You can clone this project and run this project on your own machine.


  • NodeJS
  • NPM


After install NodeJS and npm, clone this project.

  1. Install dependencies npm install
  2. Build website npm run build
  3. Start local server npm run start


  1. access backend folder
  2. Install dependencies npm install
  3. Run local server node index.js [port] (port is optional, default is 3003)