Simon Biewald
Simon Biewald
As I am aware, this is currently not possible with PyCryptodome.
You do use *cipher block chain mode of operation* (CBC). It works XORing the current plain text block with the previous ciphertext one. For the first block - where no...
The parameter $p$ of an ElGamal key should be a safe prime so $(p-1)/2 \in \mathbb{P}$. The general algorithm for generating such prime is: 1. $\text{\textbf{while} true \textbf{do}}$ 1. $p...
@ricmoo ~~PyCrypto(dome) does also not require this.~~ Oh wait it does (it just has a default value of 8...)
@Lana-Deere The published wheels are already compatible across Python versions. Please see the "abi3" in the filenames, effectively meaning they are compatible with any newer version in addition to the...
Yes! Thank you very much!
If this is implemented I suggest changing the WebAuthn device registration. A Yubikey (and likely others) supports both, logging in without PIN and with PIN. Currently Nextcloud does not mandate...
@derritter88 The WebAuthn specification mentions a [CredentialID]( I guess this can be used map authenticators to users (and I guess this is what Microsoft uses).