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VSO is an utility which allows you to perform maintenance tasks on your Vanilla OS installation.

Vanilla System Operator

Translation Status

VSO is a utility which allows you to perform maintenance tasks on your Vanilla OS installation.


The Vanilla System Operator is a package manager, a system updater and a task automator.

  vso [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Manage the system configuration.
  export      Export an application or binary from the subsystem
  help        Help about any command
  install     Install an application inside the subsystem
  pico-init   Initialize the Pico subsystem, used for package management
  remove      Remove an application from the subsystem
  run         Run an application from the subsystem
  search      Search for an application to install inside the subsystem
  shell       Enter the subsystem environment
  sys         Execute system tasks, such as upgrading the system
  tasks       Create and manage tasks
  unexport    Unexport an application or binary from the subsystem
  update      Update the subsystem's package repository
  upgrade     Upgrade the packages inside the subsystem

  -h, --help      help for vso
  -v, --version   version for vso

Use "vso [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The official documentation and manpage for vso are available at

VSO as system Shell

To use VSO as your system shell, you can copy the usr/bin/vso-os-shell script to your system's /usr/bin directory and set it as your default shell. Your image needs to implement the usr/bin/os-shell script, which will expand the $SHELL environment variable, this is much needed for login shells and other flags, this also ensures that the user's default shell is respected.

Our vso-image already implements this script.