FlatPressButton icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FlatPressButton copied to clipboard

Flat design clickable buttons. All code written in latest Swift4 syntax.


Flat design clickable buttons. All code written in latest Swift4 syntax. Concept taken from https://famolus.com with code written in Swift4. Easy to use. Just drag and drop HTPressableButton.Swift, UIColor+HTColor.Swift, UIImage+HTButton.Swift, you are done.

You can add buttons with different styles (Rounded edges, Rectanular edges, Circular button) with

   var frame = CGRect(x: 30, y: 150, width: 260, height: 50)
    let rectButton = HTPressableButton(frame: frame, buttonStyle: HTPressableButtonStyle.rect)
    rectButton.buttonColor = UIColor.ht_alizarinColor()
    rectButton.shadowColor = UIColor.ht_pumpkinColor()
    rectButton.setTitle("Rect", for: .normal)