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Results 47 wine issues
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Wine-Bug: Commit in upstream wine: Backport to fix games that uses gstreamer in wow64 mode.

This is a Proton Wine counterpart of an [upstream Wine issue]( I just filed (summary below) describing how, under some conditions, I observed application prints missing from a Linux terminal...

Hi, I understand that this wouldn't effect any Steam games (at least to my knowledge) but in the latest RC for Star Citizen's RSI Launcher, the launcher fails to download...

adds xinput1_3 = n override for WRC generations, prevents crashing. I don't own this game, but from my testing all the WRC games after WRC 8 has this problem outside...

this is not a completely finished PR, a mechanism needs to be found to load igdext64 on the initialization of dxgi. (probably in dxvk). This is more of a question...

Due to the location of an if check, PROTON_ENABLE_HIDRAW, SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_ALLOW_STEAM_VIRTUAL_GAMEPAD, SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT, and SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES apply to the input subsystem too. The logged messages are "hidraw %s: deferring %s to a different...

Fixes [Yakuza 5]( cutscenes. Note: I'm checking the name of the executable because Yakuza 5 can be obtained legally outside of steam and added as a non-steam game.

A couple of fixes which allow Descent 3's OpenGL renderer to work with the fullscreen hack. ``` fshack: Always allocate a depth buffer Some applications use depth testing but leave...