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macOS Sierra: "Library not found for -lcrypto"
Building the single-player code with XCode 8.2.1 on Sierra results in the error "Library not found for -lcrypto", along with a warning that the sp/src/lib/common/osx32 directory cannot be found. Copying the sp/src/lib/common/linux32 directory (which contains libcrypto.a) and renaming it to osx32 seems to work around the issue.
Is this a misconfiguration issue on my part, or have there been changes to the toolchain in macOS that now require this new folder? I don't often compile on Mac so have virtually no experience with it all.
same problem here. it doesn't work with mp either.
The issue seems to lie with OpenSSL and I've managed to fix this issue by doing this: Get OpenSSL by opening the Terminal and typing brew install openssl. When that's done, head to it's install directory (in my case it's /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/). Then copy libcrypto.a and paste it into /sp/src/lib/common/osx32 (create the osx32 folder if it doesn’t exist), now try compiling. This is what fixed it for me.