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CS2 dedicated server fails to start with workshop map with "Unknown command 'workshop_start_map'"
Your system information
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:
Trying to start a linux dedicated server with a workshop map via '+host_workshop_collection Unknown command 'workshop_start_map'!
Steps for reproducing this issue:
the server runs with this command
./cs2 -dedicated -game csgo -console -usercon -serverlogging +rcon_connected_clients_allow true +rcon_password <mypw> +sv_logfile 1 +game_type 0 +game_mode 2 +host_workshop_collection 1573939820 +map de_overpass +sv_setsteamaccount <myserverid> -authkey <myauth> -net_port_try 1 +net_public_adr <mypublicip> +ip <mylocalip>
the server fails with this command
./cs2 -dedicated -game csgo -console -usercon -serverlogging +rcon_connected_clients_allow true +rcon_password <mypw> +sv_logfile 1 +game_type 0 +game_mode 2 +host_workshop_collection 1573939820 +workshop_start_map 3070290869 +sv_setsteamaccount <myserverid> -authkey <myauth> -net_port_try 1 +net_public_adr <mypublicip> +ip <mylocalip>
The only difference is that I changed +map de_overpass
(working) to +workshop_start_map 3070290869
Also encountering this issue when running the server. I get the following error when using the +workshop_start_map:
Network System Initialized Loaded /serverdata/serverfiles/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
failed to dlopen /serverdata/serverfiles/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so
error=/serverdata/serverfiles/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Loaded libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
FYI I use the -authkey parameter with my key as instructed on
Having the same issue here using +host_workshop_collection and +host_workshop_map and authkey If I use them by hand in the console it responds nothing
Loaded libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
This error message seems to be unrelated to the workshop maps, I see it also on successfully running servers. Therefore I opened another issue for the missing libserver_valve.so -> #3533
Let's keep this issue about failing to load a workshop map with +workshop_start_map
issue about failing to load a workshop map with
But maybe both issues are related ? If I just load a map with +map it does work.
Ah, I see. Good point.
Loaded libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
This error message seems to be unrelated to the workshop maps, I see it also on successfully running servers. Therefore I opened another issue for the missing libserver_valve.so -> #3533
Let's keep this issue about failing to load a workshop map with
I'm experiecing the same issue. The launch option +workshop_start_map is not working in CS2.
+host_workshop_map mapID +host_workshop_collection collectionId
+host_workshop_map mapID
This works after the server has started successfully to switch to another map. It doesn't work to set the starting map when launching the server.
Yeah, would be nice to get that startup parameter back
UPDATE: A little hacky solution I have right now, not ideal by any means but a solution nonetheless, load an empty map using +map <empty>
and then host a workshop map with +host_workshop_map
example startup params:
./cs2 -dedicated -port 27015 -usercon -maxplayers 12 +ip +map <empty> +host_workshop_map mapid +game_type 0 +game_mode 1
Keep in mind that this means the server will be in an empty map for a few seconds while downloading the map for the first time.
NOTE: the server cannot have hibernation enabled for this to work, make sure sv_hibernate_on_empty
is set to 0
in server.cfg