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?faulty matchmaking algorithm? in my account
Why is an Ex. divine player who reached divine 4 (about 5500 mmr back then in feb. 2021 [top 4%, 3,9mil. players]), calibrated to legend 4 then continuously drifting back and forth between archon1-legend5 and then eventually dropping to crusader4 struggling to get back to divine OR EVEN ANCIENT? Why is this happening icefrog?
In 2020 I lost +2300 mmr when nearly reaching divine1 as being ancient5 98%, dropping to archon3 in only a month or so. I spent 8 months getting that mmr back from which after I reached all-time high divine4 and now that's AGAIN far away in the distance.
As in time of writing I'm in a crusader5, which is totally inaccurately describing my level of skill and I'm even playing better now than ever before.
Ofc no publicly available database shows previous rank medals obtained nor seasonal statistics, but I'm sure YOU people at Valve will see instantly my ranked history by accessing my account and I wish you could do something about this,
I'm playing pos4-5 mainly and this is just not right, like you are matching me with people who are three times worse than me just to give me challenge? Do you expect me to carry my cores as a hard support or something like it was possible? This makes no legitimate sense and I demand you to check what's going on in my account.
PS. this topic is only for reasonable conversations, preferably no comments like "I don't believe you", "You never were divine" because that's just untrue. I want answers and justice. I'm a dedicated player spending about 10hours day-to-day, year-to-year in this game and I want to thrive, NOT crawl in the sludge.
Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)
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my condolences. what are your strategies to win the game during drafting phase, laning phase and early/mid game? i may have suggestions you like:
be careful when calibrating. for example i often play pos 2, sometimes 3 4 5 and very very rarely pos 1. when i play mid my rank calibrated archon 5. i played all my calibration games as mid only. when i play pos 3 4 5 im archon 3 or 4. then back normal archon 5 the next game. pos 3 stays archon 2 for some reason. but i dont win much as pos 3 so i avoid playing pos 3 now. when i play pos 1, it was crusader 5. because i havent play pos 1 for months maybe years? i thought i could abuse this to vs lower average MMR players, but next game it become archon 1, then 2, then 4? then back to normal archon 5 after few win streaks (the actual MMR change normally, but during drafting i'm labeled as archon 5 or crusader 5, and vs lower average) my highest MMR was ancient 3 in 2019 ish. so lets say you calibrate as all 5 roles ticked. this could mean that you calibrate at a much lower rank. i couldve calibrate crusader 5 or archon 1 if i keep playing pos 1 calibration perhaps, even though i keep winning. if you're going to be away for months, then I believe you should play each role 1 2 3 4 5 at least once at your highest mmr to perhaps update the hidden MMR number. and always calibrate games with ur best role.
next, observe the time of day you rank + win / lost the most and analyze why you win that game e.g. maybe you play during weekends or evening often? higher chance for kids / students playing. they might pick odd heroes like sniper or spectre offlane for fun. i've seen it all. play during the time you win the most, you might meet same skilled players. and set a goal win +30 mmr a day or break even. not good if you get +30 mmr one day then -90 the next day. 30 mmr a day is +900 mmr in a month. you'll get back +2700 mmr in 3 months.
check your pos 1 and 2 profiles to see if they're reliable or not. if you see something amiss, then try harder for that game. e.g. if their profile show high pushing / certain heroes maybe pick pushing heroes as well like shaman because they like to play fast push / early game, high fighting maybe pick healers, high farming maybe pick heroes that are easy to stack creeps / good defensive heroes that can clear enemy push like kotl / grim because you know they wont join teamfights. it's not too difficult to check pos 1 and pos 2 profiles anyway. u can also check enemy profiles briefly after enemy pick heroes to plan ur playstyle. perhaps u see a lot of rampages on their profile, then obviously you need to spend more time harassing their lane, rotate or block their jungle.
perhaps in 2021 you had good carries. or certain heroes are easier to win. but really good players probably divine / immortals by now. and you might be left with other drifting players that cant rank up. new patch nerfed some heroes and its harder to win. or perhaps new patch are not good for the heroes you spam. e.g. lower jungle xp, different play styles / item / push timing etc. supports usually first pick, so immediately suggest what cores to pick by pressing alt. dawnbreakers / sniper maybe?
lastly, there is a hidden mmr bonus if you have win streaks. happened to me twice in 2021 and once in 2022. i think you need something like 15 win streak to trigger this. i had 80 mmr game, then 70, then 60 mmr per game for about 9-10 games (lose still just 30). very hard to happen though, but make it counts when it happens. Good luck and have fun and let me know if you have other tips / suggestions to win
@tellmewhyicefrog check my story