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Rubick in infinite invisibility
Ability name
Meld (stolen by Rubick)
So the glitch gives Rubick an infinite invisibility, when he steal Meld from Templar Assassin. The instruction is the following: Rubick needs to steal Meld from TA; also in the enemy team for Rubick there should be Clockwerk; while Clockwerk's cogs are on Rubick should use Meld near them to be able to hit them from invis; another Rubick's teammate should hit one of the cog one time and then when the second hit projectile will fly toward this cog, Rubick must time it so his crititcal hit projectile from invis hits already destroyed cog; if done right Rubick will have opportunity to walk while having Meld status effect without duration (infinite) and still be visible on sentry wards etc, but his hit will end invis and his abilities would not. So here is the video of this glitch made by "Dota 2 Tips" from Jun 20, 2017 -
Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)
any match
tested in demo, i cant repro when clock is an ally. very easy as enemy. also still works vs phoenix egg.
if rubick is in the middle of meld attack animation on enemy cog that an ally destroyed first / just before phoenix egg duration ends, rubick keeps meld active and able to move around with invisibility + use skills / items until he attack something. he still can attack to destroy items too.
This also applies to Templar Assassin when attacking Cogs that are expired. With Presty61's reddit thread reproducing issue:
fixed with
Fixed Templar Assassin sometimes getting stuck in Meld invisibility if the attack target was destroyed