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Code for the paper "Causal Transformer for Estimating Counterfactual Outcomes"


Conference arXiv Python application

Causal Transformer for estimating counterfactual outcomes over time.

Screenshot 2022-06-03 at 16 41 44

The project is built with following Python libraries:

  1. Pytorch-Lightning - deep learning models
  2. Hydra - simplified command line arguments management
  3. MlFlow - experiments tracking


First one needs to make the virtual environment and install all the requirements:

pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 --always-copy venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

MlFlow Setup / Connection

To start an experiments server, run:

mlflow server --port=5000

To access MlFLow web UI with all the experiments, connect via ssh:

ssh -N -f -L localhost:5000:localhost:5000 <username>@<server-link>

Then, one can go to local browser http://localhost:5000.


Main training script is universal for different models and datasets. For details on mandatory arguments - see the main configuration file config/config.yaml and other files in configs/ folder.

Generic script with logging and fixed random seed is following (with training-type enc_dec, gnet, rmsn and multi):

python3 runnables/train_<training-type>.py +dataset=<dataset> +backbone=<backbone> exp.seed=10 exp.logging=True

Backbones (baselines)

One needs to choose a backbone and then fill the specific hyperparameters (they are left blank in the configs):

Models already have best hyperparameters saved (for each model and dataset), one can access them via: +backbone/<backbone>_hparams/cancer_sim_<balancing_objective>=<coeff_value> or +backbone/<backbone>_hparams/mimic3_real=diastolic_blood_pressure.

For CT, EDCT, and CT, several adversarial balancing objectives are available:

  • counterfactual domain confusion loss (this paper): exp.balancing=domain_confusion
  • gradient reversal (originally in CRN, but can be used for all the methods): exp.balancing=grad_reverse

To train a decoder (for CRN and RMSNs), use the flag model.train_decoder=True.

To perform a manual hyperparameter tuning use the flags model.<sub_model>.tune_hparams=True, and then see model.<sub_model>.hparams_grid. Use model.<sub_model>.tune_range to specify the number of trials for random search.


One needs to specify a dataset / dataset generator (and some additional parameters, e.g. set gamma for cancer_sim with dataset.coeff=1.0):

  • Synthetic Tumor Growth Simulator: +dataset=cancer_sim
  • MIMIC III Semi-synthetic Simulator (multiple treatments and outcomes): +dataset=mimic3_synthetic
  • MIMIC III Real-world dataset: +dataset=mimic3_real

Before running MIMIC III experiments, place MIMIC-III-extract dataset (all_hourly_data.h5) to data/processed/

Example of running Causal Transformer on Synthetic Tumor Growth Generator with gamma = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] and different random seeds (total of 30 subruns), using hyperparameters:

python3 runnables/ -m +dataset=cancer_sim +backbone=ct +backbone/ct_hparams/cancer_sim_domain_conf=\'0\',\'1\',\'2\' exp.seed=10,101,1010,10101,101010

Updated results

Self- and cross-attention bug

New results for semi-synthetic and real-world experiments after fixing a bug with self- and cross-attentions ( Therein, the bug affected only Tables 1 and 2, and Figure 5 ( Nevertheless, the performance of the CT with the bug fixed did not change drastically.

Table 1 (updated). Results for semi-synthetic data for $\tau$-step-ahead prediction based on real-world medical data (MIMIC-III). Shown: RMSE as mean ± standard deviation over five runs.

$\tau = 1$ $\tau = 2$ $\tau = 3$ $\tau = 4$ $\tau = 5$ $\tau = 6$ $\tau = 7$ $\tau = 8$ $\tau = 9$ $\tau = 10$
MSMs 0.37 ± 0.01 0.57 ± 0.03 0.74 ± 0.06 0.88 ± 0.03 1.14 ± 0.10 1.95 ± 1.48 3.44 ± 4.57 > 10.0 > 10.0 > 10.0
RMSNs 0.24 ± 0.01 0.47 ± 0.01 0.60 ± 0.01 0.70 ± 0.02 0.78 ± 0.04 0.84 ± 0.05 0.89 ± 0.06 0.94 ± 0.08 0.97 ± 0.09 1.00 ± 0.11
CRN 0.30 ± 0.01 0.48 ± 0.02 0.59 ± 0.02 0.65 ± 0.02 0.68 ± 0.02 0.71 ± 0.01 0.72 ± 0.01 0.74 ± 0.01 0.76 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.02
G-Net 0.34 ± 0.01 0.67 ± 0.03 0.83 ± 0.04 0.94 ± 0.04 1.03 ± 0.05 1.10 ± 0.05 1.16 ± 0.05 1.21 ± 0.06 1.25 ± 0.06 1.29 ± 0.06
EDCT (GR; $\lambda = 1$) 0.29 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.01 0.56 ± 0.01 0.62 ± 0.01 0.67 ± 0.01 0.70 ± 0.01 0.72 ± 0.01 0.74 ± 0.01 0.76 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.01
CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours, fixed) 0.20 ± 0.01 0.38 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.01 0.50 ± 0.01 0.52 ± 0.01 0.54 ± 0.01 0.56 ± 0.01 0.57 ± 0.01 0.59 ± 0.01 0.60 ± 0.01
CT (ours, fixed) 0.21 ± 0.01 0.38 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.01 0.50 ± 0.01 0.53 ± 0.01 0.54 ± 0.01 0.55 ± 0.01 0.57 ± 0.01 0.58 ± 0.01 0.59 ± 0.01

Table 2 (updated). Results for experiments with real-world medical data (MIMIC-III). Shown: RMSE as mean ± standard deviation over five runs.

$\tau = 1$ $\tau = 2$ $\tau = 3$ $\tau = 4$ $\tau = 5$
MSMs 6.37 ± 0.26 9.06 ± 0.41 11.89 ± 1.28 13.12 ± 1.25 14.44 ± 1.12
RMSNs 5.20 ± 0.15 9.79 ± 0.31 10.52 ± 0.39 11.09 ± 0.49 11.64 ± 0.62
CRN 4.84 ± 0.08 9.15 ± 0.16 9.81 ± 0.17 10.15 ± 0.19 10.40 ± 0.21
G-Net 5.13 ± 0.05 11.88 ± 0.20 12.91 ± 0.26 13.57 ± 0.30 14.08 ± 0.31
CT (ours, fixed) 4.60 ± 0.08 9.01 ± 0.21 9.58 ± 0.19 9.89 ± 0.21 10.12 ± 0.22

Figure 6 (updated). Subnetworks importance scores based on semi-synthetic benchmark (higher values correspond to higher importance of subnetwork connectivity via cross-attentions). Shown: RMSE differences between model with isolated subnetwork and full CT, means ± standard errors.


Last active entry zeroing bug

New results after fixing a bug with the synthetic tumor-growth simulator: outcome corresponding to the last entry for every time series was zeroed.

Table 9 (updated). Normalized RMSE for one-step-ahead prediction. Shown: mean and standard deviation over five runs (lower is better). Parameter $\gamma$ is the the amount of time-varying confounding: higher values mean larger treatment assignment bias.

$\gamma = 0$ $\gamma = 1$ $\gamma = 2$ $\gamma = 3$ $\gamma = 4$
MSMs 1.091 ± 0.115 1.202 ± 0.108 1.383 ± 0.090 1.647 ± 0.121 1.981 ± 0.232
RMSNs 0.834 ± 0.072 0.860 ± 0.025 1.000 ± 0.134 1.131 ± 0.057 1.434 ± 0.148
CRN 0.755 ± 0.059 0.788 ± 0.057 0.881 ± 0.066 1.062 ± 0.088 1.358 ± 0.167
G-Net 0.795 ± 0.066 0.841 ± 0.038 0.946 ± 0.083 1.057 ± 0.146 1.319 ± 0.248
CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours) 0.772 ± 0.051 0.783 ± 0.071 0.862 ± 0.052 1.062 ± 0.119 1.331 ± 0.217
CT (ours) 0.770 ± 0.049 0.783 ± 0.071 0.864 ± 0.059 1.098 ± 0.097 1.413 ± 0.259

Table 10 (updated). Normalized RMSE for $\tau$-step-ahead prediction (here: random trajectories setting). Shown: mean and standard deviation over five runs (lower is better). Parameter $\gamma$ is the amount of time-varying confounding: higher values mean larger treatment assignment bias.

$\gamma = 0$ $\gamma = 1$ $\gamma = 2$ $\gamma = 3$ $\gamma = 4$
('2', 'MSMs') 0.975 ± 0.063 1.183 ± 0.146 1.428 ± 0.274 1.673 ± 0.431 1.884 ± 0.637
('2', 'RMSNs') 0.825 ± 0.057 0.851 ± 0.043 0.861 ± 0.078 0.993 ± 0.126 1.269 ± 0.294
('2', 'CRN') 0.761 ± 0.058 0.760 ± 0.037 0.805 ± 0.050 2.045 ± 1.491 1.209 ± 0.192
('2', 'G-Net') 1.006 ± 0.082 0.994 ± 0.086 1.185 ± 0.077 1.083 ± 0.145 1.243 ± 0.202
('2', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.766 ± 0.029 0.781 ± 0.066 0.814 ± 0.078 0.944 ± 0.144 1.191 ± 0.316
('2', 'CT (ours)') 0.762 ± 0.028 0.781 ± 0.058 0.818 ± 0.091 1.001 ± 0.150 1.163 ± 0.233
('3', 'MSMs') 0.937 ± 0.060 1.133 ± 0.158 1.344 ± 0.262 1.525 ± 0.400 1.564 ± 0.545
('3', 'RMSNs') 0.824 ± 0.043 0.871 ± 0.036 0.857 ± 0.109 1.020 ± 0.140 1.267 ± 0.298
('3', 'CRN') 0.769 ± 0.057 0.777 ± 0.037 0.826 ± 0.077 1.789 ± 1.108 1.356 ± 0.330
('3', 'G-Net') 1.103 ± 0.092 1.097 ± 0.095 1.355 ± 0.107 1.225 ± 0.184 1.382 ± 0.242
('3', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.766 ± 0.037 0.806 ± 0.060 0.828 ± 0.106 0.996 ± 0.185 1.335 ± 0.465
('3', 'CT (ours)') 0.762 ± 0.036 0.807 ± 0.056 0.838 ± 0.120 1.072 ± 0.196 1.283 ± 0.312
('4', 'MSMs') 0.845 ± 0.060 1.022 ± 0.149 1.196 ± 0.233 1.325 ± 0.363 1.308 ± 0.482
('4', 'RMSNs') 0.780 ± 0.046 0.834 ± 0.040 0.814 ± 0.123 0.988 ± 0.146 1.169 ± 0.269
('4', 'CRN') 0.734 ± 0.061 0.743 ± 0.037 0.805 ± 0.096 1.567 ± 0.825 1.327 ± 0.293
('4', 'G-Net') 1.092 ± 0.090 1.074 ± 0.098 1.385 ± 0.117 1.212 ± 0.202 1.358 ± 0.253
('4', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.730 ± 0.042 0.776 ± 0.056 0.802 ± 0.119 0.983 ± 0.208 1.394 ± 0.563
('4', 'CT (ours)') 0.726 ± 0.041 0.777 ± 0.054 0.810 ± 0.128 1.075 ± 0.220 1.302 ± 0.356
('5', 'MSMs') 0.747 ± 0.056 0.896 ± 0.136 1.038 ± 0.210 1.128 ± 0.320 1.155 ± 0.448
('5', 'RMSNs') 0.717 ± 0.053 0.775 ± 0.041 0.747 ± 0.124 0.922 ± 0.141 1.057 ± 0.246
('5', 'CRN') 0.678 ± 0.062 0.692 ± 0.037 0.761 ± 0.104 1.410 ± 0.604 1.242 ± 0.239
('5', 'G-Net') 1.033 ± 0.086 1.014 ± 0.097 1.358 ± 0.118 1.160 ± 0.199 1.285 ± 0.242
('5', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.673 ± 0.044 0.722 ± 0.052 0.748 ± 0.124 0.931 ± 0.213 1.405 ± 0.648
('5', 'CT (ours)') 0.669 ± 0.043 0.723 ± 0.053 0.751 ± 0.125 1.036 ± 0.238 1.264 ± 0.389
('6', 'MSMs') 0.647 ± 0.055 0.778 ± 0.123 0.894 ± 0.188 0.952 ± 0.284 1.060 ± 0.432
('6', 'RMSNs') 0.646 ± 0.058 0.702 ± 0.043 0.675 ± 0.121 0.847 ± 0.132 0.947 ± 0.225
('6', 'CRN') 0.614 ± 0.057 0.631 ± 0.035 0.706 ± 0.104 1.308 ± 0.438 1.132 ± 0.194
('6', 'G-Net') 0.963 ± 0.083 0.942 ± 0.090 1.321 ± 0.118 1.092 ± 0.183 1.195 ± 0.223
('6', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.609 ± 0.042 0.657 ± 0.046 0.684 ± 0.122 0.864 ± 0.201 1.383 ± 0.699
('6', 'CT (ours)') 0.605 ± 0.040 0.657 ± 0.047 0.685 ± 0.119 0.979 ± 0.249 1.201 ± 0.419

Table 11 (updated). Normalized RMSE for $\tau$-step-ahead prediction (here: single sliding treatment setting). Shown: mean and standard deviation over five runs (lower is better). Parameter $\gamma$ is the amount of time-varying confounding: higher values mean larger treatment assignment bias.

$\gamma = 0$ $\gamma = 1$ $\gamma = 2$ $\gamma = 3$ $\gamma = 4$
('2', 'MSMs') 1.362 ± 0.109 1.612 ± 0.172 1.939 ± 0.365 2.290 ± 0.545 2.468 ± 1.058
('2', 'RMSNs') 0.742 ± 0.043 0.760 ± 0.047 0.827 ± 0.056 0.957 ± 0.106 1.276 ± 0.240
('2', 'CRN') 0.671 ± 0.066 0.666 ± 0.052 0.741 ± 0.042 1.668 ± 1.184 1.151 ± 0.166
('2', 'G-Net') 1.021 ± 0.067 1.009 ± 0.092 1.271 ± 0.075 1.113 ± 0.149 1.257 ± 0.227
('2', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.685 ± 0.050 0.679 ± 0.044 0.714 ± 0.053 0.875 ± 0.105 1.072 ± 0.315
('2', 'CT (ours)') 0.681 ± 0.052 0.677 ± 0.044 0.713 ± 0.042 0.908 ± 0.122 1.274 ± 0.366
('3', 'MSMs') 1.679 ± 0.132 1.953 ± 0.208 2.302 ± 0.437 2.640 ± 0.639 2.622 ± 1.132
('3', 'RMSNs') 0.783 ± 0.053 0.792 ± 0.047 0.889 ± 0.050 1.086 ± 0.175 1.382 ± 0.286
('3', 'CRN') 0.700 ± 0.078 0.692 ± 0.046 0.818 ± 0.051 1.959 ± 1.032 1.360 ± 0.225
('3', 'G-Net') 1.253 ± 0.079 1.226 ± 0.104 1.611 ± 0.102 1.383 ± 0.200 1.574 ± 0.328
('3', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.707 ± 0.053 0.711 ± 0.038 0.770 ± 0.043 0.969 ± 0.119 1.261 ± 0.462
('3', 'CT (ours)') 0.703 ± 0.055 0.712 ± 0.040 0.770 ± 0.032 1.010 ± 0.119 1.536 ± 0.450
('4', 'MSMs') 1.871 ± 0.145 2.145 ± 0.227 2.489 ± 0.471 2.791 ± 0.681 2.615 ± 1.142
('4', 'RMSNs') 0.821 ± 0.079 0.837 ± 0.058 0.963 ± 0.106 1.216 ± 0.240 1.416 ± 0.304
('4', 'CRN') 0.734 ± 0.087 0.722 ± 0.041 0.898 ± 0.068 2.201 ± 0.967 1.573 ± 0.255
('4', 'G-Net') 1.390 ± 0.087 1.347 ± 0.112 1.819 ± 0.133 1.544 ± 0.243 1.769 ± 0.413
('4', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.729 ± 0.056 0.749 ± 0.033 0.826 ± 0.046 1.053 ± 0.147 1.426 ± 0.574
('4', 'CT (ours)') 0.726 ± 0.057 0.748 ± 0.036 0.822 ± 0.036 1.089 ± 0.122 1.762 ± 0.523
('5', 'MSMs') 1.963 ± 0.155 2.221 ± 0.231 2.547 ± 0.479 2.810 ± 0.684 2.542 ± 1.122
('5', 'RMSNs') 0.855 ± 0.099 0.889 ± 0.074 1.030 ± 0.165 1.349 ± 0.326 1.434 ± 0.299
('5', 'CRN') 0.769 ± 0.094 0.755 ± 0.039 0.976 ± 0.082 2.361 ± 1.000 1.730 ± 0.292
('5', 'G-Net') 1.477 ± 0.092 1.430 ± 0.119 1.963 ± 0.157 1.667 ± 0.275 1.907 ± 0.471
('5', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.758 ± 0.055 0.788 ± 0.036 0.875 ± 0.056 1.118 ± 0.172 1.560 ± 0.663
('5', 'CT (ours)') 0.756 ± 0.057 0.786 ± 0.039 0.870 ± 0.048 1.154 ± 0.111 1.922 ± 0.569
('6', 'MSMs') 1.970 ± 0.155 2.205 ± 0.228 2.509 ± 0.469 2.732 ± 0.662 2.422 ± 1.084
('6', 'RMSNs') 0.889 ± 0.112 0.936 ± 0.091 1.081 ± 0.211 1.473 ± 0.433 1.436 ± 0.290
('6', 'CRN') 0.807 ± 0.097 0.790 ± 0.035 1.047 ± 0.092 2.480 ± 1.078 1.827 ± 0.326
('6', 'G-Net') 1.538 ± 0.091 1.493 ± 0.121 2.062 ± 0.172 1.758 ± 0.286 1.994 ± 0.500
('6', 'CT ($\alpha = 0$) (ours)') 0.790 ± 0.058 0.827 ± 0.036 0.915 ± 0.063 1.177 ± 0.193 1.654 ± 0.704
('6', 'CT (ours)') 0.789 ± 0.059 0.821 ± 0.034 0.909 ± 0.054 1.205 ± 0.100 2.052 ± 0.608

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience