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Next-Gen Garrysmod shop system https://discord.gg/N9DmwwX
--the paste just shows what happens serverside concommand.Add( "gamble_ex" , function( ply , cmd , args , str ) Pointshop2.GamblingView:getInstance( ):startSpin( tonumber( str ) * -1 ) timer.Simple( 0.5 ,...
Hey, so I installed ps2 onto my server and it worked, but i transferred it to a linux based server and now It will not load there are no errors...
Wassup! My server is about deathrun and i'm using a ''ghost mode'' An addon to enable users to become a ghost after death. And the ghosts are invisible, but the...
no prom for models/pac/default.mdl [pointshop2-master] addons/pointshop2-master/lua/ps2/modules/pointshop2/hat/cl_dpointshoppacview.lua:324: attempt to call field 'OnMouseWheeled' (a nil value) 1. unknown - addons/pointshop2-master/lua/ps2/modules/pointshop2/hat/cl_dpointshoppacview.lua:324
Another problem with zombie survival: accessories, hats and remaining items are not removed from the players when they become infected. Please help to ensure that the infected were without wearing...
The pointshop works great, however when i wear a player model its fine, but removing it back again it throws an error, and the player model that I equipped isn't...
So I am having a problem, I am using pointshop 2 on my darkrp server, and when I put a hat on my player and then try to take it...
Hello Kamshak! Hope everything is well. I've been receiving this error that I've been ignoring for a few months until now really, tried to look into it but I don't...
Hello there, I occure a problem when I create a single use weapon in Pointshop 2. So I cannot see a preview image of the weapon but when I create...