Results 282 issues of Val Wood

**SO term name and accession** KEN_box SO:0001807 **Parent term name and accession** Please give the term name and accession of the current parent. Example: ncRNA_gene (SO:0001263) **Suggested new parent term...

**SO term name and accession** polypeptide_metal_contact **Parent term name and accession** needs additional parentage polypeptide_region

Hello, there are a number of problems in this region: peptide_localization_signal A region of peptide sequence used to target the polypeptide molecule to a specific organelle. Is incorrectly defined. It...

**What is the SO term name and accession?** protein_stability_element SO:0001955 **Describe what you would like to change.** Current definition does not make sense? Seems to have some inserted text? Current:...

Hello, I am looking for an ontology that represents RNA modifications. These seem to be in scope of SO, since SO alrrerady includes DNA modifications, and RNAs. However, before I...

Name cohesin-associated region Definition. A region of a chromosome where cohesin is loaded. Synonyms* CAR Parent Term SO:0000830 and SO:0001429 Supporting publication PMID:31895039

Is an RNA motif (determinant of selective elimination), not a DNA motif, can this be changed? cheers Val

MONDO:0100473 disorder of peptide and amine metabolism An inherited metabolic disease that has its basis in the disruption of peptide and/or amine metabolic process. seems a slightly strange grouping term...

* **Term to be merged: Provide GO ID and term label** GO:0098789 pre-mRNA cleavage required for polyadenylation really oddly, this term is to a descendant of polyadenylation, so it is...


GO:0007094 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling Existing A signal transduction process that contributes to a mitotic cell cycle spindle assembly checkpoint, that delays the metaphase/anaphase transition of a mitotic nuclear...

textual definition