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VComponents is a SwiftUI collection that contains reusable UI components


Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Compatibility
  • Components
  • Brand Book
  • Guidelines
  • Demo
  • Installation
  • Versioning
  • Contact


VComponents is a SwiftUI package that contains 30+ customizable UI components.


Release Date VComponents iOS SwiftUI
2022 05 26 2.0 15.0 3.0
2021 02 07 1.0 14.0 2.0


Buttons. VPrimaryButton, VSecondaryButton, VSquareButton, VPlainButton, VNavigationLink, VLink

State Pickers. VToggle, VCheckBox, VRadioButton

Item Pickers. VSegmentedPicker, VMenuPicker, VWheelPicker

Value Pickers. VStepper, VSlider, VRangeSlider

Inputs. VTextField

Containers. VSheet, VDisclosureGroup

Lists. VLazyScrollView, VList, VStaticList

Modals. VModal, VBottomSheet, VSideBar, VAlert, VConfirmationDialog, VMenu, VContextMenu

Messages. VToast

Indicators. VSpinner, VProgressBar, VPageIndicator

Misc. VText

Brand Book


UI Models

Components are not meant to be customized like you would a native SwiftUI component.

Instead, UI model can be passed as parameter to initializers. This parameter has default value, and is not required every time you create a view.

UI Models are structs with default values. They break down into 5 sub-structs: Layout, Colors, Fonts, Animations, and Misc.

For instance, changing foreground color of VSecondaryButton can be done by passing an IU model.

Not Preferred:

var body: some View {
        action: doSomething,
        title: "Lorem ipsum"


let uiModel: VSecondaryButtonUIModel = {
    var UIModel: VSecondaryButtonUIModel = .init()
    uiModel.colors.textContent = .init(
        enabled: .black,
        pressed: .gray,
        disabled: .gray
    return uiModel

var body: some View {
        uiModel: uiModel,
        action: doSomething,
        title: "Lorem ipsum"

Alternately, you can create static instances of UI models for reusability.

extension VSecondaryButtonUIModel {
    static let someUIModel: VSecondaryButtonUIModel = {
        var uiModel: VSecondaryButtonModel = .init()
        uiModel.colors.textContent = .init(
            enabled: .black,
            pressed: .gray,
            disabled: .gray
        return uiModel

var body: some View {
        uiModel: .someUIModel,
        action: doSomething,
        title: "Lorem ipsum"


Some components take type as parameter. Types are represented as enums, as more can be added in the future.

For instance, VPageIndicator has three types: Finite, Infinite, and Auto. Unlike UI models, types may be required in some instances. For other enums, a default case is provided.

var body: some View {
    VStack(content: {
        VPageIndicator(type: .finite, total: 9, selectedIndex: 4)
        VPageIndicator(type: .infinite(), total: 99, selectedIndex: 4)
        VPageIndicator(type: .auto(), total: 99, selectedIndex: 4)

Some enums can also contain additional cases, such as focused for VBaseTextField and VTextField.


VComponents approaches animations as bound to components and their UI models, and not to state. Which means, that to modify a state of component with an animation, you need to pass a custom UI model.

Not Preferred:

@State var isOn: Bool = false

var body: some View {
    VStack(content: {
        VToggle(isOn: $isOn, title: "Lorem ipsum")
            action: { withAnimation(nil, { isOn.toggle() }) },
            title: "Toggle"


@State var isOn: Bool = false

let uiModel: VToggleUIModel = {
    var uiModel: VToggleUIModel = .init()
    uiModel.animations.stateChange = nil
    return uiModel

var body: some View {
    VStack(content: {
        VToggle(uiModel: uiModel, isOn: $isOn, title: "Lorem ipsum")
            action: { isOn.toggle() },
            title: "Toggle"

First method is not only not preferred, but it will also not work. Despite specifying nil to change state, VToggle would still use its default animation.

Components manage state parameters internally, and animations used to change them externally do not have any effect.

Thought process behind his design choice was to centralize animations to UI model.

Components also prevent themselves from modifying external state with an animation.


Package contains demo app, that can be run to showcase all components.


Swift Package Manager

Add as a Swift Package in Xcode and follow the instructions.


Major. Major changes, such as big overhauls

Minor. Minor changes, such as new component, types, or properties in UI models

Patch. Bug fixes and improvements


e-mail: [email protected]