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DNTCommon.Web.Core provides common scenarios' solutions for ASP.NET Core applications.

Results 5 DNTCommon.Web.Core issues
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Bumps [jquery-validation](https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation) from 1.19.3 to 1.19.5. Release notes Sourced from jquery-validation's releases. 1.19.5 / 2022-07-01 Chore Add CodeQL analysis 3d3c1fb Core Fixed jQuery .submit() event shorthand deprecation notice #2430 Fixed...


درود آیا امکان دارد در تنظیمات یا همان SmtpConfig گزینه های bool UseSSL bool ServerCertificateValidationCallback اضافه شود تا بجای فراخوانی تابع با پارامترها بصورت یکپارچه این تنظیمات اعمال شود؟

hi i was looking at IViewRendererService in your code is there any way to compile an string containing html tag and asp.net core tag helper to cimpiled razor view? i...

Bumps [bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap) from 3.3.7 to 3.4.1. Release notes Sourced from bootstrap's releases. v3.4.1 Security: Fixed an XSS vulnerability (CVE-2019-8331) in our tooltip and popover plugins by implementing a new HTML...


# Summary of the issue rss items not showing ## Environment ``` DNTCommon.Web.Core version: 3.4.0 .NET Core SDK version: 6 IDE: Rider ``` ## Example code/Steps to reproduce: ``` var...