Bill Tozier
Bill Tozier
Do you know if there is room inside `define-registered` for a docstring? Good catch on the return state. I was just getting around to getting rid of all the repetition...
Do you know if there are any instructions that _don't_ start by setting the metadata of their requirements, and `(fn [state]...`? (and I mean when they're "unrolled", too; I see...
Was just about to open this as an issue :)
I've written a little testing helper function called `safe-execute` in my midje tests which will 1. apply `execute-instruction` to a state 2. raise an exception if the returned value doesn't...
Will do `enumerator_map`, `enumerator_set` and the remaining conversion instructions tomorrow. A few questions of preference: - Do you want to permit "looping" behavior? I'm guessing this would be a boolean...
@thelmuth No, it as intended for here, as a response to the bugs you caught!
No, I'm sorry, I can't possibly see how anybody could do that. Good grief, man, these aren't computers we're... oh wait. Yes!
While we're discussing things: as I've mentioned, this isn't my first go on the Enumerator ride. One set of instructions (from `push-forth` I think) I had sort of set aside...
There still should be some discussion of what `reduce` and `filter` might be in a Push setting. Realizing that one doesn't want to do them "all at once" (because that's...
I will postpone "looping" for the time being.