
Results 314 comments of Vadorequest

It would be great to know what you mean by "page tests". If you mean integration testing and navigation workflows, then it's better to use Cypress to perform those. (partly...

Actually, Cypress is meant to test user workflows (like, navigation). We also have UI component testing, using `react-test-renderer`. But only a few components are actually being tested ATM. With...

Thanks for the thorough explanation. What's the testing use case here? What would you like to test using `react-testing-library` that cannot be tested by `react-test-renderer`? One thing to keep in...

Thanks. I guess we'll add it once we have an actual use case for it.

That's true, there are components that could use a few tests. Maybe we should put together a list of those we wish to test and what's to be tested? I...

Example pages are already tested, 1 of each (SSG, SSR, etc.) to avoid undetected regression depending on the rendering mode. SSG with revalidate could also be tested actually, I don't...

Just came across which is a very useful resource. I hope I find the time to play around and might implement my findings in NRN afterwards.

Cypress has been updated to v6 and now theoretically supports Component testing. (I haven't tried it myself yet)

Interesting, I don't have much feedback to give on Cypress "as a replacement for react-testing-library", I haven't used it for that purpose and I don't know the pros/cons. Cypress is...

Thanks @lmiller1990, really useful to split the responsabilities of each tool, it wasn't clear to me until now! You mentioned "Cypress runs in a real browser", which made me think...