wp-multilang copied to clipboard
Gutenberg doesn't work with WP Multilang
Posts are not saved after installing Gutenberg 3.3.0 on site with WP Multilang 2.2.5. I've checked it on empty site after installation WordPress 4.9.7
Hi. Which post type You are trying to translate? Built-in or custom?
Hi. Which post type You are trying to translate? Built-in or custom?
Default post types
I tested my plugin with last version Gutenberg and all are working fine.
I've made the screencast for displaying the problem https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MFttDYW-rdeXhBwQwtTTEtNv4aGfq91Z/view Everything works without Gutenberg
WP 4.9.7, Gutenberg 3.4.0, WP Multilang 2.2.6
Thanks for screencast. Did You try reload page in admin? Does the text changes exist? Or the problem only on front side?
Did You try reload page in admin? Does the text changes exist? Or the problem only on front side?
Yes, I've tryed to reload — text changes disappeared as well as on front side.
I tested it on the test site and all work fine http://fragile-yak.w6.poopy.life/2017/03/09/hello-world/ You can try yourselve. http://bit.ly/2n4m5Q1 http://bit.ly/2OxvUCm http://bit.ly/2OCjyZN
Login: http://fragile-yak.w6.poopy.life/wp-admin/ Username: demo Password: Z9Q1x0sDc0Hc
You are right VaLeXaR. Just tested and it works perfectly. :)
Thanks! It's very interesting. Maybe I have some problems with my test server. I'll try to debug
The problem happend only when option 'Use prefix for language by default' is activated.
Only on Your server? Or You tested this bug on a test server?
It seems that only on my server. I've tested on two virtual machines with different versions of Ubuntu and Nginx/PHP-FPM. Maybe I've some problems with routes. For example, when I try to preview post I get Too Many Redirects (WP_DEBUG=true).
I had this same issue. Thank you @Slaver for the hint.