
Results 79 comments of Luca

Yep, my fault, didn't check the docs. You have to use `pinside->write` passing the format as parameter

The row and column count are constants: 1,048,576 rows, 16,384 columns. See

Duplicate of #109 Use for a maintained version of this project

How do you open and save the .xls file?

This library will rewrite the whole style definition on save so if something unsupported was already in the file then it will indeed be lost on save

As the author is not active any more, please submit your pull request to I'll take care of maintaining code until the author is back Cell::formula().formulaText() is probably what you are after

The author of this library is no longer active. A version of the library that compiles with Qt 5.6+ is available here

Do you have perl (for windows ) installed and the path added to `PATH` variable?

The author of this library is no longer active. A version of the library that compiles with Qt 5.6+ is available here