QtXlsxWriter copied to clipboard
.xlsx file reader and writer for Qt5
To set print area of sheet use bool setPrintArea(const CellRange &range, const QString &sheetName=QString()); To set page scaling to percent use bool setPageSetup(double percent, QPageSize::PageSizeId size, QPageLayout::Orientation orientation); To set...
QString :: asprint is missing in Qt 5.1 - Qt 5.5
Added Korean translation to README.
//加入此段之后可能导致xlsx格式的Excel表格,在用insertImage 插入图片之后,用Office2016/2019打不开,WPS却能打开,暂时屏蔽,有空提交问题或者解决 by lizulin 20200217
Calling insertImage() or insertChart() leads to creating corrupted file. Microsoft Excel shows warning when trying to open file: "We found a problem with some content in 'filename.xlsx'. Do you want...
Hello, I'm having issues building the source code. When il use mingw32-make, I'm getting several errors : cd src\ && ( if not exist Makefile C:\User\U526413\Documents\DevPlugins\_PLUGINS\_LIBS\Qt-5.6.2bis\bin\qmake C:\User\U526413\Documents\DevPlugins\_PLUGINS\_LIBS\Qt-5.6.2bis\include\QtXlsxWriter-master \src\src.pro -o Makefile...
I need to get image store in a cell of excel file. How can do that? Thansk
Have just started using QtXlsx ( ! nice job ! ) but am having some issues. It is likely that I will be able to fix some of them but...
fixed your remarks
This pull request has features copied from @agrech , which proposed them for the original repository of @dbzhang800 I have merely copied his code and would like to include them...