presentation-displays copied to clipboard
Issue on get display function
Future<List<Display>?> getDisplays({String? category}) async {
when my app is on release mode then its shows null display id's but when debug mode its working...
? displayReleaseFromJson(map as Map<String, dynamic>)
: displayFromJson(map as Map<String, dynamic>));
here issue arrises..
please fix it..
Getting null null in get display when i make release build. no issue when check with debug build.
Any solution? Please let me know
@VNAPNIC Could you please help here. When we test using release apk its not working
I had the same problem. When I tested my application in debug mode it worked perfectly. But when I created a release version it stopped working. The solution was to add the following permissions to the 'AndroidManifest.xml': CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
. I guess I'll also have to add the permissions to the iOS version.
@ManuelAcBl Tried that but not working, its not discovering.
Getting null null in get display when i make release build. no issue when check with debug build.
I have solved & Added Custom Methods Go & check