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[BUG] Warning reported regarding unused generic procedures/functions
Hi guys, I get this warning when I use generic functions/procedures:
Unused declaration of procedure check_equal_generic[type_t, type_t, STRING, log_level_t, NATURAL, NATURAL, STRING]vhdl ls(unused)
I get the reason behind why it's flagged as not used but I think it should only emit this warning when it hasn't been defined with a generic map.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
library osvvm;
use osvvm.NamePkg.NamePType;
package pkg_test is
type test_t is (test_1, test_2, test_3);
procedure check_equal_generic
generic (
type type_t;
function to_string(data: type_t) return NamePType
parameter (
got: in type_t;
expected: in type_t;
msg: in string := check_result_tag;
level: in log_level_t := null_log_level;
path_offset: in natural := 1;
line_num: in natural := 0;
file_name: in string := ""
procedure check_equal is new check_equal_generic generic map (data_t => test_t);
end package;
package body pkg_test is
function to_string(data: test_t) return NamePType is
variable result: NamePType;
case data is
when test_1 => result.Set("test_1");
when test_2 => result.Set("test_2");
when test_3 => result.Set("test_3");
end case;
return result;
end function;
procedure check_equal_generic
generic (
type type_t;
function to_string(data: type_t) return NamePType
parameter (
got: in type_t;
expected: in type_t;
msg: in string := check_result_tag;
level: in log_level_t := null_log_level;
path_offset: in natural := 1;
line_num: in natural := 0;
file_name: in string := ""
) is
constant checker: checker_t := default_checker;
-- pragma translate_off
if got = expected then
if is_pass_visible(checker) then
"Equality check passed", msg,
"Got " & to_string(got).Get & "."
path_offset + 1, line_num, file_name
end if;
"Equality check failed", msg,
"Got " & to_string(got).Get & ". " &
"Expected " & to_string(expected).Get & "."
level, path_offset + 1, line_num, file_name
end if;
end package body;
Can confirm. Here's a shorter MRE
package pkg_test is
procedure foo
generic (type type_t)
parameter (bar: type_t);
procedure baz is new foo generic map (type_t => natural);
end package;
package body pkg_test is
procedure foo
generic (type type_t)
parameter (bar: type_t)
is begin
end package body;
The actual problem is that the information that the foo
procedure implementation is linked to the foo
procedure specification is not generated correctly at the moment (reference :
Hihi, yes the shorter one is more preferable to analyse. 😸