py3dtilers copied to clipboard
can't install the py3dtiles
I used ubuntu to follow the instructions to install the dependency, but the installation was unsuccessful.The error is as follows:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement py3dtiles (unavailable) (from py3dtilers) (from versions: 0.0.9, 1.0.1, 1.0.2)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for py3dtiles (unavailable)
How to solve this problem?
I gave up using the library, and it took 7-8 hours to install the dependencies without success. It was awful
Hi ! Sorry that it was so hard for you to install.
Which ubuntu version are you using ? Which python version and pip version are you using ? Do you have another py3dtiles (not py3dtileRs) package installed ?
Fyi, Py3DTilers uses py3dtiles python library (forked from Oslandia's py3dtiles) for its in memory representation of tilesets.
From what I can deduce from your error log, it tries to install a specific version of py3dtiles instead of using the github repository that holds the fork (see this line.
When installing the dependencies, you should have something similar to this :
Cloning (to revision Tiler) to /tmp/pip-install-q4vw6c9l/py3dtiles_b0201e564afa4931990a90fa77010137
Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet /tmp/pip-install-q4vw6c9l/py3dtiles_b0201e564afa4931990a90fa77010137
Running command git checkout -b Tiler --track origin/Tiler
Switched to a new branch 'Tiler'
Branch 'Tiler' set up to track remote branch 'Tiler' from 'origin'.
Resolved to commit 291b02421a54a3bd6d46303a9f4e1426731ea7de
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