Mohammad Hamdy Ghanem

Results 45 issues of Mohammad Hamdy Ghanem

![image]( Hi everybody. I spent 3 years to get sVB so far: Half a year to make small Basic videos and discover its downsides, 2 years to create [Small Visual...

![image]( Hi everybody. I spent 3 years to get sVB so far: Half a year to make small Basic videos and discover its downsides, 2 years to create [Small Visual...


Try this: ```C# string[] x = new[] { "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg\\lang1024\\noproof65001\\uc1 \\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0\\fprq1 Consolas;}}", "\\fs24 ", "\\cf0 {0}", "\\", "\\\\", "\\{", "\\}", "{\\b ", "\\cf{0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", "\\cf0 {0}","\\}", "\\par ", "{\\colortbl;\r\n", "\\red{0}\\green{1}\\blue{2};" }...

Try to convert this project: []( The vb project will contain about 500 errors, most of them are due 2 reasons: 1. The property private filed , which has the...

The converter has serious issues with custom events. For example, this code: ```C# private static event SmallBasicCallback _buttonClicked; /// /// Raises an event when any button control is clicked. ///...