sphinx-fortran copied to clipboard
exception: 'fromsky' with abstract interface
I encounter the following exception
Extension error: Handler <function fortran_parse at 0x7f35d1032170> for event 'builder-inited' threw an exception (exception: 'fromsky')
when I try to parse a module with:
.. f:automodule:: psfun_d_serial_mod
if the module contains an abstract interface:
abstract interface
function func (x,k)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
real(psb_dpk_) :: func
real(psb_dpk_), intent (in) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: k
end function func
end interface
If the previous code is commented, then the generation of the documentation works as intended.
I am using Sphinx version 3.2.1 and Sphinx_Fortran 1.1.1
Thank you in advance!
This appears to be due to a lack of support for abstract interfaces in numpy.f2py. I've opened an issue in numpy: numpy/numpy#18403.
Hi @jhaiduce , it seems numpy supports this now, is it possible to extend sphinx-fortran? I think related is use of a general public interface to private functions to allow different forms of input, e.g.
interface CPL_send
module procedure CPL_send_full, CPL_send_min
end interface CPL_send
where inputs are CPL_send_full(a, b, c) or CPL_send_min(a, b) which using Sphinx, breathe, doyxgen combo for C++ on the same interface is documented as
CPL_send(a, b, c)
CPL_send(a, b)
I currently get an error:
sphinxfortran.fortran_autodoc.F90toRstException: Unknown function, subroutine or program: cpl_send
Hi @jhaiduce , it seems numpy supports this now, is it possible to extend sphinx-fortran?
Probably, but I’ll defer to the developers on that question.