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Stumbled onto https://www.v1engineering.com/table/ , maybe others would like to as well
I have been thinking about this all day. I will leave it open for now but I think something a bit more specific to the larger LR builds is needed if it is going to be included and useful.
Not sure though, something is better than nothing...
Thank you for bringing this up.
Totally understand. Am digging thru the forum, web and YouTubes to help me grasp what's the right table for my situation. Each person has different needs/requirements, so I appreciate it's hard for a single build doc to describe something that'll work for everyone.
Maybe some guiding principles, common questions and pointers to inspiring work by LR3 builders and other makers would be specific enough.
Don't know if any of this helps sparks some ideas, but...
I've copy-pasted my rough rough rough personal notes below am making as I figure out my own path forward. Will share better edited content in my LR Build post when I have a Crown drawing to show off.
Table Design/Build Resources
- Goals / Priorities : Have fun. Keep making progress. Learn. Contribute.
- Build minimum viable structure for LR3 run enough to build itself.
- Use LR3 to build own torsion box.
- Use LR3 to build own vertical table storage. Use EMT/Struts where possible, they look cool.
Commercial Alternatives/Inspiration
- $6890+ AVID CNC 4x8, https://www.avidcnc.com/pro4896-4-x-8-cnc-router-kit-p-253.html
- $1100 just for Legs, https://www.avidcnc.com/product_info.php?products_id=257{2}58
- 4080 Aluminum Extrusion ~14" spacing between 'joists'
- Leg BOM and assembly instructions… https://www.avidcnc.com/support/instructions/pro/4896/21.1/base/#parts-and-tools-required
- $1100 just for Legs, https://www.avidcnc.com/product_info.php?products_id=257{2}58
V1E Forum Member Examples/Threads
V1E Docs https://www.v1engineering.com/table/
- MPCNC and smaller LowRider builds (width or length both <=4', e.g 2'x4' or 4'x4' ).
Jeffeb3 (LR3 Beta Crew Member) Low Rider build (LR2?) https://forum.v1engineering.com/t/jeffeb3s-low-rider-build/5184?page=5
- https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPzhCe-Bl3M7KiaVHZe15BeABV-sF1CfFZGNVwlhlXcr19_QPk_lvNMeQvS-IYX-w?pli=1&key=QVBKTXdCWnhDZU1YbzZ1alh2VDF4RDRFU0FNSzNR
Misc https://forum.v1engineering.com/t/minimal-table-designs-pics-that-would-make-macgyver-proud/33537/3
Doug Joseph's Table - beefy roller, lower storage for full panels. Open access to torsion sections.
- Design https://design8studio.com/files/Table-Plan-for-LowRider-v2-58-x-113-OSB-9-ft-ver-H.pdf
- TIP: Consider shelves large enough to accommodate full size MDF 49"x97" sheets
- Idea: Leave struts full length, overhang main workarea, allowing easier change of router bit [quote="banish, post:4, topic:8955"] using Unistrut (which comes in 10’ sections so I just left them full length. This way they hang over the end of the table and give me room to play with so I can move the LR2 out beyond the table. I can then get underneath the router and change the bit without having to remove the router from the 611 Plate. [/quote]
Other Examples
[2021-10] Concept Design - Folding Table Adaption For Onefinity QCW Woodworker - Generation 2
MPCNC, Wall mounted, folding, floating I MADE A SPACE SAVING CNC | FOLD DOWN MPCNC
- 4:45 Torsion box
- 5:30 Kerf maker
- 17:50 3D printed mounts for DIN rail
How To Build A Fold Down CNC Table - Space Saving Worktop
Comment says "in talks with Onefinity we plan to design a folding table which will be affordable and able to be delivered for home assembly"
Struct rails. Support strut underneath. This bold man floats the front.
Onefinity CNC foldable torsion box table.
- Inspired by Lee Turnbull at DESIGN &BUILD-TD
- Uses $$$ 8020
- Rachet hoist. Slim Torsion.
How to Make a Self Leveling Torsion Box Table
- 6:30 Has pivot for pair of wheels to ensure all wheels always make contact. Only 1 wheel needs to be adjustable.
Material Suppliers
X Large panel suppliers (larger than 4' x 8')
- 9' x 5' https://www.buildwithbmc.com/bmc/Products/Lumber-%26-Composites/Panels-%26-Sheathings/c/Panels-Sheathings
Been in a table rabbit hole all day, such great links!
I think it breaks down to two basic options. If you have a table saw whip up a torsion box, if you do not make a dimensional lumber torsion box. I have been trying to sketch up some sort of simple CNC'd torsion box, but that is not happening, I Have a halfway there idea though.
I saw this earlier, and made a commit of my own trying to make this into a whole new page! Check out my commit: https://github.com/V1EngineeringInc/V1EngineeringInc-Docs/pull/453