Yes of course the auctioning should be managed by an external website. However this specific event "onStartup" is in fact part of the server side of Nostalrius. The behaviour that...
Well still, this is supposed to be a 7.7 clone so I dont think a banking system should be implemented if you want to keep it a 7.7 clone. So...
Yes I dont know how to implement this with sql because Im not sure exactly how the pid and sid work in the player_depotitems table, they dont seem logic to...
Im building a frontend from scratch. Im not using ZnoteAAC or any other prebuilt scripts. Everything will be handled through http requests via javascript from the frontend to a backend...
Yes maybe you are right. I think I finally understand how the table works now so I think I can implement this. So just to explain how the player_depotitems table...
Thanks, I actually solved it in the cpp code, so I've got it all working now. Let me explain how: I changed in IOMapSerialize::loadHouseInfo to also get last_bid, highest_bidder and...
Sure, see my latest commit on my fork of this repo. https://github.com/V0RT4C/Nostalrius/commit/a63f33b345cefcd1eabbbd4781ce2c01440c19e8