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XML schema data types in hxt-relaxng don't support constants
Take this schema and call it integer.rng
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
<element name="test1">
<data type="integer" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"/>
<element name="test2">
<value type="integer" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">4</value>
The instance <test1>4</test1>
validates perfectly, while equally valid <test2>4</test2>
The problem appears to be in function datatypeEqualW3C
in module DataTypeLibW3C. The data-type map norm
in there is either used in a wrong way, or it should map all missing entries to id
like it does for string