vite-plugin-glsl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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:spider_web: Import, inline (and compress) GLSL shader files :electric_plug:

Vite Plugin GLSL

Import shader file chunks

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Inspired by threejs-glsl-loader and vite-plugin-string, compatible with three.js and lygia.


npm i vite-plugin-glsl --save-dev
# or
yarn add vite-plugin-glsl --dev


// vite.config.js
import glsl from 'vite-plugin-glsl';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [glsl()]

Default Options

  exclude: undefined,                         // File paths/extensions to ignore
  include: /\.(glsl|wgsl|vert|frag|vs|fs)$/i, // File paths/extensions to import
  defaultExtension: 'glsl',                   // Shader suffix when no extension is specified
  warnDuplicatedImports: true,                // Warn if the same chunk was imported multiple times
  compress: false                             // Compress the resulting shader code

What it does

Imports, inlines (and compresses) shader chunks within GLSL files relative to their directory.


├── src/
│   ├── glsl/
│   │   ├── chunk0.frag
│   │   ├── chunk3.frag
│   │   ├── main.frag
│   │   ├── main.vert
│   │   └── utils/
│   │       ├── chunk1.glsl
│   │       └── chunk2.frag
│   └── main.js
├── vite.config.js
└── package.json
// main.js
import fragment from './glsl/main.frag';
// main.frag
precision highp float;

#include chunk0.frag;

out highp vec4 fragColor;

void main (void) {
  fragColor = chunkFn();
// chunk0.frag

// ".glsl" extension will be added automatically:
#include utils/chunk1;

highp vec4 chunkFn () {
  return vec4(chunkRGB(), 1.0);
// utils/chunk1.glsl

#include chunk2.frag;
#include ../chunk3.frag;

highp vec3 chunkRGB () {
  return vec3(chunkRed(), chunkGreen(), 0.0);
// utils/chunk2.frag

highp float chunkRed () {
  return 0.0;
// chunk3.frag

highp float chunkGreen () {
  return 0.8;

Will result in:

// main.frag
precision highp float;

highp float chunkRed () {
  return 0.0;

highp float chunkGreen () {
  return 0.8;

highp vec3 chunkRGB () {
  return vec3(chunkRed(), chunkGreen(), 0.0);

highp vec4 chunkFn () {
  return vec4(chunkRGB(), 1.0);

out highp vec4 fragColor;

void main (void) {
  fragColor = chunkFn();

Change Log

  • Starting from v0.0.7 this plugin supports optional single and double quotation marks around file names.

  • Starting from v0.0.9 this plugin supports optional semicolons at the end of #include statements.

  • Starting from v0.1.0 this plugin supports WebGPU shaders with .wgsl extension.

  • Starting from v0.1.2 this plugin generates sourcemaps using vite esbuild when the sourcemap option is set to true.

  • Starting from v0.1.5 this plugin warns about duplicated chunks imports and throws an error when a recursive loop occurres.

  • Starting from v0.2.0 this plugin uses a config object as a single argument to glsl function and allows to disable import warnings with the warnDuplicatedImports param set to false.

  • Starting from v0.2.2 this plugin supports compress option to optimize output shader length. You might consider setting this to true in production environment.

  • Starting from v0.3.0 this plugin is pure ESM. Consider updating your project to an ESM module by adding "type": "module" in your package.json or consult this issue for possible workarounds.

Note: When used with three.js r0.99 and higher, it's possible to include shader chunks as specified in the documentation, those imports will be ignored by vite-plugin-glsl since they are handled internally by the library itself:

precision highp float;

#include <common>

vec3 randomVec3 (const in vec2 uv) {
  return vec3(
    rand(uv * 0.1), rand(uv * 2.5), rand(uv)