Raspi-Driver-SCD30 copied to clipboard
Software to read out Sensirion SCD30 CO₂ Sensor values over I2C on Raspberry Pi
Software to read out Sensirion SCD30 CO₂ Sensor values over I2C on Raspberry Pi.
This software is licenced under GPLv3 by UnravelTEC OG (https://unraveltec.com), 2018.
You might need to run the following commands as root e.g. by typing sudo
before running a specific command.
Enable I2C interface on Raspberry Pi
navigate to P5 I2C
and select <Yes>
Wiring SCD30 to Raspberry Pi 3 B
- SCD30: RX/SDA -> Pi: I2C1 SDA (GPIO2)
- SCD30: TX/SCL -> Pi: I2C1 SCL (GPIO3)
- SCD30: VIN -> Pi: 3.3V/5.5V (use one of PWR pinouts)
- SCD30: GND -> Pi: GND (use one of GND pinouts)
Install the following python-libraries:
aptitude install python-crcmod
(for Python3, use the appropriate prefix)
As the SCD30 needs complex i2c-commands, the Linux standard i2c-dev doesn't work. A working alternative is pigpiod.
aptitude install pigpio python-pigpio
Atm, IPv6 doesn't work on Raspbian correctly with pigpiod, so:
sed -i "s|^ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/bin/pigpiod -l -n|" /lib/systemd/system/pigpiod.service
systemctl restart pigpiod
# Test (should return an int)
pigs hwver
I2C Clock stretching
Master needs to support Clock Stretching up to 150ms. The default in Raspbian is too low, we have to increase it:
To set it, download from here:
gcc -o i2c1_set_clkt_tout i2c1_set_clkt_tout.c
gcc -o i2c1_get_clkt_tout i2c1_get_clkt_tout.c
execute (add to /etc/rc.local to run on every boot):
./i2c1_set_clkt_tout 20000 # for 200ms
Remember: Maximum I2C speed for SCD30 is 100kHz.
Run program
You might need to run the following as root e.g. by typing sudo
before running the script.
For a one-time output:
python scd30-once.py
installing as a service
the service writes a file /run/sensors/scd30/last
and updates it every second (which resides in RAM) - it is meant to be read out by prometheus.
To use pressure compensation, provide the pressure in a file named e.g. /run/sensors/bme280/last
- for details see the source code in the service.py