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F# computational expressions to reduce boilerplate in Pulumi code


F# computational expressions to reduce boilerplate in Pulumi code

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Readability difference

Pulumi.Tls vs Pulumi.FSharp.Tls for a self signed certificate


The computational expression syntax removes redundant parenthesis, input/io/inputList helpers, equal signs, lists for single input, subitems boilerplate.

Packages examples


bucket {
    name "bucket-example"
    acl  "private"

    bucketWebsite { 
        indexDocument "index.html"


let rg =
    resourceGroup {
        name                   "ResourceGroupName"

let sa =
    storageAccount {
        name                   "StorageAccountName"
        resourceGroup          rg.Name
        accountReplicationType "LRS"
        accountTier            "Standard"
        enableHttpsTrafficOnly true
let container =
    storageContainer {
        name                   "StorageContainer"
        account                sa.Name
let contentBlob =
    blob {
        name                   "StorageBlob"
        storageAccountName     storage
        storageContainerName   buildContainer
        source                 { Text = "Blob content" }.ToPulumiType
let sasToken =
    sasToken {
        storage                sa
        blob                   contentBlob
let appServicePlan =
    plan {
        name                   "FunctionAppServiceName"
        resourceGroup          rg.Name
        kind                   "FunctionApp"
        planSku {
            size "Y1"
            tier "Dynamic"


application {
    name                    "AzureADApplicationName"
    displayName             "AzureAD application name"
    oauth2AllowImplicitFlow true
    replyUrls               [
    applicationOptionalClaims {
        idTokens [
            applicationOptionalClaimsIdToken {
                name                 "upn"
                additionalProperties "include_externally_authenticated_upn"
                essential            true


let storage =
    storageAccount {
        resourceGroup rg.Name
        location      rg.Location
        name          "StorageAccount"            
        sku           { name "LRS" }            
        kind          Kind.StorageV2

blobContainer { 
    accountName       storage.Name
    resourceGroup     rg.Name
    name              "StorageContainer"


// Output computational expressions
let deploymentCountBars =
    output {
        let! previousOutputs =
        return previousOutputs.["CountBars"] + "I"
// Output as secret
let someSecret =
    secretOutput {
        let! key1 = sa.PrimaryConnectionString
        let! key2 = sa.SecondaryConnectionString
        return $"Secret connection strings: {key1} {key2}"
// Mixing Output<> and Task<>
let sas =
    output {
        let! connectionString = sa.PrimaryConnectionString
        let! containerName = container.Name
        let! url = blob.Url

        let start =
            DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(' ', 'T')
        let expiry =
            DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.).ToString("u").Replace(' ', 'T')
        // Task to Output
        let! tokenResult =
                ConnectionString = connectionString,
                ContainerName = containerName,
                Start = start,
                Expiry = expiry,
                Permissions = (GetAccountBlobContainerSASPermissionsArgs(Read = true))
            ) |>
            // This returns Task<>

        return url + tokenResult.Sas


deployment {
    name "application"

    deploymentSpec {
        replicas 1

        labelSelector { 
            matchLabels [ "app", input "nginx" ]

        podTemplateSpec {
            objectMeta {
                labels [ "app", input "nginx" ]

            podSpec {
                containers [
                    container {
                        name  "nginx"
                        image "nginx"
                        ports [ containerPort { containerPortValue 80 } ]

Full stack file example

  • Create a Pulumi F# project using pulumi new fsharp
  • Upgrade the project to .NET 5
  • Add the NuGet package Pulumi.FSharp.Azure
  • Edit the Program.fs and paste the example below
  • Run pulumi up and create the infrastructure using a readable strongly-typed DSL
  • Log in your new Visual Studio VM using the IP from the outputs and credentials in code

To discover available properties for each resource, examine the code documentation of the builders (E.G. hover over a Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Compute.windowsVirtualMachine computational expression to find all available properties and on each property to discover their description)

module Program

open Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Compute.Inputs
open Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Network.Inputs
open Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Compute
open Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Network
open Pulumi.FSharp.Azure.Core
open Pulumi.FSharp

let infra () =
    let rg =
        resourceGroup {
            name     "rg-example"
            location "West Europe"

    let pip =
        publicIp {
            name             "pip-example"
            resourceGroup    rg.Name
            location         rg.Location
            allocationMethod "Dynamic"
    let vnet =
        virtualNetwork {
            name          "vnet-example"
            addressSpaces ""
            location      rg.Location
            resourceGroup rg.Name

    let subnet =
        subnet {
            name               "snet-example"
            resourceGroup      rg.Name
            virtualNetworkName vnet.Name
            addressPrefixes    ""

    let nic =
        networkInterface {
            name          "nic-example"
            location      rg.Location
            resourceGroup rg.Name

            ipConfigurations [ 
                networkInterfaceIpConfiguration {
                    name                       "internal"
                    subnetId                   subnet.Id
                    privateIpAddressAllocation "Dynamic"
                    publicIpAddressId          pip.Id
    let vm =
        windowsVirtualMachine {
            name                "vm-example"
            resourceName        "vm-example"
            resourceGroup       rg.Name
            size                "Standard_A1_v2"
            networkInterfaceIds nic.Id
            windowsVirtualMachineOsDisk {
                caching            "ReadWrite"
                storageAccountType "Standard_LRS"
            adminUsername "unosdpulumi"
            adminPassword "ReplaceThisWithAProperPassword%%55"
            windowsVirtualMachineSourceImageReference {
                offer     "visualstudio2019latest"
                publisher "microsoftvisualstudio"
                sku       "vs-2019-comm-latest-win10-n"
                version   "latest"
    dict [ "PublicIP", vm.PublicIpAddress :> obj ]
let main _ =
  Deployment.run infra

Examples library


Example project using the library


One language to rule them all (F# eXchange 2020)

I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at the F# eXchange 2020 on the 21st of October and, as promised, I have created a repo to share the slides of the talk: https://github.com/UnoSD/FSharp-eXChange2020

The talk goes through infrastructure as code in F# with Pulumi in general and explains the rationale and some of the technical details behind this repository.

Link to the video: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/14888-lightning-talk-one-language-to-rule-them-all-iac-in-f-sharp

Development notes

Given that changes to the Pulumi.FSharp.Myriad project do not trigger re-generation unless the Myriad.fs file is modified, a PreBuildEvent in each fsproj file uses sed to change a dummy variable to a random integer on each build (this only works on GNU/Linux machines with sed). To avoid git finding changes in the Myriad.fs file every time, use the following:

git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.Aws/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.Gcp/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.Tls/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.Azure/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.AzureAD/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.Kubernetes/Myriad.fs
git update-index --skip-worktree Pulumi.FSharp.AzureNative/Myriad.fs