Cool I was thinking about this too. :+1: Then we would have only `/toggle` and `/set`. The user will be prompted after what todo with an inline keyboard right?
Currently only checking if pokemon lang is available. We should check if anything from that lang is available. - If all available use that speech. - If available for at...
Another point, message customization but will add an example to this comment the next few days. TODO Add example
I think we should use [Templating](https://docs.python.org/3.4/tutorial/stdlib2.html#templating). It's easily configurable then. Example: ``` from string import Template # loaded from file strWithAdd = '$pokeName(#$pokeId)\n'\ '${IVpercent}% ($IVatt/$IVdef/$IVsta)\n'\ '$address' strWithoutAdd = '#$pokeId $pokeName\n'\...
Added with Commit b37ecf1e74e48f1c3ff6997eb9595f041df04fff.