Don't know why there's only data for the next 3minutes. There's possibly something wrong with the calculated date inside the db.
Seems like you got an older version of this one. In current master its not a temp pokemon_id anymore.
We've only got to return pokemon inside model.py if pokestop is lured. Then it should work. Therefor another query inside Pokemon.get_active should be enough.
Mhh dont know if: `+ timedelta(minutes=30)` is a good idea. If you scan a lured pokestop lets say 5min before deactivation you would think it remains for about 30min. And...
Checked it. You're right `last_modified_timestamp_ms` is the the time from lure! And `lure_expiration` seems to be the time when the pokemon is gone. (But its only 3min in the future...
The other lines are wrong. The wrong behaviour came from `static/app.py` line 173: `if request.args.get('pokestops', 'false') == 'true':` Forgot the write this yesterday..
#375 fine to use with this to have less traffic. (pokestops need much traffic in citys)
That is normal! The 2nd line is the unique ID of the pokestop (real name would issue another API Call). The third line tells you the time when the lure...
Added in #362 u can use my fork if you want to.
Ok I think I've got the idea but therefor the users needs to add another gmaps api key. In the current version you're able to open the map inside telegram....