I-Simpa copied to clipboard
Clean the 'doc' folder of the I-Simpa documentation
- [x] Remove old files and unnecessary ressources
- [x] Add HTML documentation (see #161)
- [x] Create a specific folder for each tutorial in the documentation
- [ ] Add a 'Round Robin' folder, with separate folder for each Round Robin in Acoustics (see #160)
\doc\documentation\I-Simpa -> the build HMTL from readthedocs + french old documentation
\doc\tutorial\tutorial 1 (when ready)
\doc\tutorial\tutorial 2 (when ready)
\doc\tutorial\tutorial 3 (when ready)
\doc\tutorial\script 1 (when ready)
\doc\roundrobin\round robin I (when ready)
\doc\roundrobin\round robin II (when ready)
\doc\roundrobin\round robin III (when ready)
\doc\ressources\material (examples of import files)
Still necessary to include the Round Robin test in a next release.