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inconsistency on telephone number

Open livyreal opened this issue 8 years ago • 14 comments

Some telephone numbers are tagged as mwe (note the wrong POS of (011)).

 id="141" ref="CF35-7" source="CETENFolha n=35 cad=Folhateen sec=soc sem=94a" forest="1" text="Informações pelo (011) 263-4700."

2	por	por	ADP	<sam->|PRP|@N<	_	1	case	_	_
3	o	o	DET	<first-cjt>|<artd>|<-sam>|ART|M|S|@>N	PronType=Art|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Definite=Def	1	det	_	_
4	(011)	(011)	ADP	PRP|@P<	_	1	nmod	_	MWE:(011)=263-4700
5	263-4700	263-4700	NUM	NUM|@A<	_	1	mwe	_	_

Some of them are annotated as NUM

id="2819" ref="CF670-17" source="CETENFolha n=670 cad=Brasil sec=pol sem=94b" forest="1" text="Para contatos telefônicos, ligue (011) 224-3896 entre 14h e 18h, de segunda a sexta-feira."

1	Para	para	ADP	PRP|@ADVL>	_	2	case	_	_
2	contatos	contato	NOUN	<np-idf>|N|M|P|@P<	Gender=Masc|Number=Plur	5	nmod	_	_
3	telefônicos	telefônico	ADJ	ADJ|M|P|@N<	Gender=Masc|Number=Plur	2	amod	_	_
4	,	,	PUNCT	PU|@PU	_	2	punct	_	_
5	ligue	ligar	VERB	<mv>|V|PR|1/3S|SUBJ|@FS-STA	VerbForm=Fin|Mood=Sub|Tense=Pres|Number=Sing	0	root	_	_
6	(	(	PUNCT	PU|@PU	_	7	punct	_	_
7	011	011	NUM	<card>|NUM|M/F|P|@>N	_	9	nummod	_	_
8	)	)	PUNCT	PU|@PU	_	7	punct	_	_
9	224-3896	224-3896	NUM	<card>|NUM|M/F|P|@<ACC	_	5	dobj	_	_

Following guidelines for NUM and SYM it is not clear to me how we should tag them.

livyreal avatar Nov 01 '16 20:11 livyreal